18. park runs and sleepover fun

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Chapter 18

Emma’s POV

“Want to have a sleepover?”

I didn’t regret saying those words as soon as they came out of my mouth. Adrenaline was still coursing through me, and I didn’t think about the outcomes of my actions. Right now I feel alive, acting on my fears so I could conquer them, but as soon as his reply fell from his lips, all the confidence tumbled down, like a wall being demolished.

“Are you crazy? When I meant, “you always had something up your sleeve”, I didn’t mean this?” he said. I didn’t think my displeasure showed on my face, but Harry caught it and soon said something else to help clear my senses.

“I mean, how is a “sleepover”,” he stressed with air quotes, “going to help you? Come on Clark, I know what you mean by sleepover.”

“And what might that be, Styles? Or are you Mr. Know-at-all?” I answer back with a smirk, remembering the times I used to call him names like that. Before he replied, a smirk also emerged onto his face, but he pulled me into him, catching me by surprise at our close proximity.

His hot breath was near my ear, breathing in and out hot puffs of breathes, causing the outer crevices of my ear, to tingle.

“By sleepover you mean sex, intimacy. Is that really what you want, Emma?”

His answer caused my throat to choke on the air I was breathing on. How could he think like this! We’re just friends, bestest friends to be exact! So how could Harry possibly think, that this was what I meant?

“No! Oh my gosh, way out of proportion there, Styles!” I say, trying to gain my breath from my coughing fit. Harry’s face turned from confusion to embarrassment, after my statement.

“Harry, I meant an actual sleepover. I wanted to forget this by just having fun, like when we were younger?”

“Why don’t we just hang out at the park? We could walk there now if you’d like, and the teachers aren’t assigning that much homework because we just came back, so I could finish them in the morning, or something…” he trailed off, afraid of my answer.

“If you don’t want to its totally fine. I just thought if you want to do something that would get your mind of things we could go walk or s-,” he continued, but I cut him off.

“It’s fine Harry, better than my idea.”

I was about to tell him let’s go, when he tapped my shoulder then started running away from me.

“Tag! Catch me is you can!” he called out behind him.

Guess old Harry is back.


Harry was only a few feet in front of me and he looked back to see me catch up. The park was in view now, and just when I was about to tag Harry, who was now in arm’s reach, he stopped abruptly, causing me to fall on top of him.

A “humph” left both our mouths, as I fell onto Harry’s back, and Harry fell onto the white, fluffy snow.

“Tag, you’re it.” I say, while getting off Harry and brushing the snow off me. I was about to turn around and face Harry, when I was tackled to the ground, a heavy body lying on top of me.

“Tag, you’re it.” Harry repeated my words, as you could hear the grin in his voice.

I tried mumbling a “get off”, through the snow, when he only replied with an, “I can’t hear what you’re saying, sorry.” That cheeky little bastard.

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