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You and your friends where going to go the the fair together when they bailed last minute.

Your POV-

" I can't believe you all are bailing on me now" I said frustrated

" oh come on you can ask (h/n) to go" Melissa said laughing

" it's not funny guys I already bought my ticket and I don't want to awkwardly walk the fair alone" I said. " to to mention it will be boring " I whined trying to make them feel bad so they would change their mind

" I'm sorry (y/n) but I'm going to the movies with Brian" Melissa said

" Emma ?" I asked

" sorry girl my boy thinks the fair is stupid" Emma said

" really both of you ?" I asked frustrated as the bell rang

" sorry see you later" Emma said

" we promise we will make it up to you " Melissa screamed

" whatever" I mumbled as I walked into my ( class you like)

" hey (y/n) you ok" (h/n) asked as he sat next to you

" yea just a little frustrated" I said

" I'm sorry " (h/n) said " want to talk about it" (h/n) asked

" you would think its stupid" I said laughing a little

" well then make me laugh" ( h/n) said smiling

" ok" I said " so me and my friends planed on going to the fair tonight and this morning they just bailed " I said

" wow really" (h/n) said

" yup " I said

" thank sucks " (h/n) said. " so are you going by yourself ?" (H/n) asked

" well I already bought my ticket so I guess so" I said looking down

" when did you plan on going ?" (H/n) asked

" I don't know probably around 6:30 ish" I said writing down some notes on the board

" cool meet me here ( his address) and we can go together " (h/n) said smiling

" really you w..." I started being cut off by the teacher

" miss (y/n) and mr (h/n) are you finished" the teacher asked as the rest of the class snickered

" yes ma'am " I said looking down at my paper too see he also gave me his number

2 hours after school

Me: hey this is (y/n)

(H/n): hey you heading over??

Me: yea I can

(H/n): great see you

" mom I'm leaving for the fair " I yelled down at my mom

" ok honey be safe " my mo said

30 minutes later

" hey (y/n) ready to go to the fair " (h/n) asked

" yes " I said smiling

1 hour later

" what should we do first " (h/n) asked

" how about we do some games and get some food " I asked

" sure, but don't you want to go on a few rides " (h/n) said smiling

" yea ok (h/n), but can we get a funnel cake first ?" I asked

"Haha yea of course " (h/n) said as we walked to the funnel cake line. " two funnel cakes please " (h/n) said getting his wallet out

" no (h/n) you don't have to pay" I said

" oh I'm very sorry but we just ran out this is our last one" the lady at the stand said

" it's ok thanks " (h/n) paying for the one funnel cake " here you go (y/n) " he said handing it to me

" no we can share it" I said as we sat at a table " I feel bad that you didn't get one " I said

" you sure love" (h/n) asked

" yes I'm positive " I said smiling as I took a bite of the cake

" thanks for sharing " (h/n) said smiling throwing the trash away. " do you want to go in the carousel?" (H/n) asked

" yea ok" I said

" ladies first "(h/n) said opening the door to the carousel

" haha thanks " I said nervously getting in

" you ok (y/n)? " (h/n) asked

" yea great" I said trying not to look down

" (y/n) are you afraid of heights?" (H/n) asked concerned

" yea a little" I said

" come here" (h/n) said putting his arm around me

" what are you doing " I asked confused

" trying to calm you down" (h/n) said smiling " it helps when your distracted " (h/n) said looking at me

" thanks " I said looking down starting to blush

" aww are you blushing (y/n) " (h/n) said lifting my chin up smirking

" no " I said blushing more

" your a very bad lier " (h/n) said smirking " but it's ok your still cute " (h/n) said kissing me

5 minutes later

" hey look (h/n) it's a big teddy bear " I said like a 5 year old

" you want me to get it babe " (h/n) said as we got off

" I would love that " I said as we walked over there with our hands interlocked

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