Officer Holland

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You were going a little bit over the speed limit when you got pulled over just to realize it was your high school crush Tom Holland

Addilynn's POV

" oh come on Sara pick a good song for once" I laughed as my best friend turned on another jazz song

( nothing against Jazz music I just like upbeat music when I'm in my car)

" oh come on Addie your so picky" Sara whined

" am not. You just have terrible taste in music" I laughed

" I do not" Sara huffed scrolling through her phone. " here you'll love this"Sara stated Turing on another song

" if it's upbeat I will" I laughed as Sara hit my arm. "Hey you can't hit he driver" I stated as the song started to play

2002 by Anne- Marie

"Oh my gosh I love this long" I exclaimed turning it up

"AND ITS NEVER BEEN BETTER. THAN 200... AND 2" we both sang or should I say screamed at the top of our lungs

*woop woop*
( ok yes this is cheesey but i dont know how else to explain a cop car sound)

" are we getting pulled over?" Sara questioned

" yea. I think I might have been speeding a bit" I stated pulling over to the side

"License and registration ma'm" the police offerer stated as I handed him what he has asked for

" Holland?  Tom Holland?" I exclaimed as the cop just stared at me

" hey Addie now not the time to flirt" Sara stated sarcastically

" no we went to school together" I stated as Tom was looking at my license

" Addilynn? Little Addie Anderson" Tom smiled making me blush that he remembered me

Not only was he my biggest crush in high school but now he an extremely attractive cop. And I low key have a think for cops

" I can't believe you remember me" I stated as he gave me my license back

" Addie you were the class president, head of prom committee, varsity volleyball and competition cheer and secretly my crush. How could I not" Tom stated smiling making my face heat up

I swear my face was a frikin perfectly ripe tomato right now

" are you shitting me right now" I exclaimed still finding it hard to believe that Tom Holland has a crush on me. ME

" umm  Addie don't think you should say that to a cop" Sara stated

" no I just... I had like the biggest crush on you when we were in high school but you were a popular, played varsity football and basketball thought you didn't notice me" I stated seeing Toms face light up but quickly fade

" shame.." Tom stated about to walk off

" shame what?" I question

" are we getting a ticket officer ?" Sara questioned in fear

" oh shut up Sara we aren't getting a ticket. If we were he would have already given it to us" I stated trying to calm my paranoid best friend down

" I was just saying it's a shame you had a crush on me and still don't... I was going to offer you lunch sometime" Tom stated slightly smirking

" well I can't say no to free food now" I stated starting not to break my face with smiling like a idiot

" here let me see your phone" Tom stated as I gave him my phone. " here's my number call me sometime" Tom smiled handing me my phone back with his number now inside it.

" I will" I smiled

" now since you so very sweet I'll let you off with a warning this time" Tom smiled. "Next time I won't be mr nice guy" Tom smirked 

"there won't be a next time officer" Sara stated quickly making us both laugh

" ok food. You ladies have a wonderful day" Tom stated as he walked off and got back in his cop car

" Sara that was the guy I was telling you about" I exclaimed pulling off and now going to appropriate speed

" oh my gosh the one you've been crushing on since. Well forever" Sara exclaimed

" yep. He's the one" I smiled

My face was starting to hurt from smiling so much but just like Barbie I was stuck. I was completely unable to not smile. I was more than happy. It was like a fairytale come true.

Ok this is a cheesey one I know but thought I would give you guys something special since you are so special to me💗.
I'm gonna just say thing one thing so PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS!!!
Do not text and drive or talk on the phone and drive( unless it's 100% Bluetooth and your hands are on the wheel).
Nothing is worth yours or somebody else's life.

Ok that's it love y'all 💗💗

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