Chapter One- Sixteen Years Ago

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          "MU-UM!!" Helen looked up as her middle daughter, Sydney Jael, came in the room. The fourteen year old had her guitar in her hands, and she displayed it.

      "Joel was trying to play it, and he was strumming too hard, and broke one of the strings! Can you tell him to leave my stuff alone?!" She sighed picking up two year old Libby, the baby of the family.
       "Joel David, come in here please!" He came in, a grumpy look in his face and arms crossed.
       "You need to leave your sisters things alone. It took her a couple years to save for this. I get that you two are twins and polar opposites, but you have to not be mean to her like this. Do you understand me?" He nodded, giving Sydney a look.
      "Yes, mum. I understand." Sydney left the room, Joel following after her.
      "And get ready to go, please! Luke has a game, and we leave in fifteen minutes!" They both rolled their eyes, groaning slightly.
      "Yes, mum!" They called back in unison. They went in their bedroom, closing the door. Sydney placed the guitar back on its stand, and Joel sat on the bed on her side of the room.

       "Jael, would you teach me how to play an instrument of your choice, please?" She looked up at him, slightly shocked.
       "Umm.....sure. I think maybe drums or piano would work. I'm probably not the best teacher in the world, though." He grinned at her.
       "It's fine." She picked up her sandals, sitting on his bed and putting them on.
      "Your shoes are in the closet. I found them underneath my bed, again." He shook his head, going to get them out.
      "Let's go. Luke will probably be getting worked up again. I don't get it. Why can't he just chill?" She looked at her brother, shocked.
      "Chill? Now, where in the world did you learn that, mate?" He shrugged, yanking on his shoes as she pulled her jacket on.
      "One of the boys next door." She chuckled, picking up her notebook and pens.
      "Well, don't let dad hear you say that, mate. He'll say you're becoming too American." Joel laughed, opening the door and letting her go out first.
       "Jael, we can't ever be completely American. We were born and partially raised in Australia." They laughed, going out to the living room. Their parents, David and Helen, stood in there with five of their six siblings.

       ", two, three, four, five, six, seven....Who are we missing? Daniel, Josh, Ben, Rebecca, Joel, Sydney, Libby....Luke! Come on! We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" He ran out, grabbing his stuff. They got there just in time, and thirty minutes later, the game started. Luke's team won, but Sydney's sharp eyes noticed something. As Luke was coming over, he was walking with a slight limp. As they walked home, she slowed until they were the last two.

       "You alright, mate?" He gave her a slightly confused look.
       "I'm fine. Why are you asking?" She saw Joel looking back, and gave him mouthed 'just a minute'.
       "You're limping. Is your leg hurting or something?" He shrugged.
       "Sort of. I guess I didn't stretch it out very well. I'll be alright." The very next day, she went with him and her dad to practice. He jumped, taking the shot, but as he came down, he dropped to the ground, crying out in pain.

       "Luke!" She shot up from her seat, running over and kneeling beside him, trying to help him up.
       " were right...." He gasped, the pain evident in his eyes, and he was struggling to not cry. They found out at the hospital that he had torn his acl, and would most likely never play basketball again. While there, Sydney sat beside Luke, who refused to even look at her. She sighed, gently tugging on one of his curls. He looked up, a grumpy expression on his face.

       "Okay, what's wrong? I get that you're in pain, but I know that's not all of it." He looked her in the eyes, and she saw pain, anger, and sorrow in them.
       "Syd, I can't ever play again. I was supposed to make it to a place where I could help mum and dad with it. Why would God let this happen?" She took one of his hands in hers, looking at him again.
        "Luke, I don't know why he would. But I do know that he has a plan. Remember the verse I told you?" He looked confused.
       "Which one? You tell me about twenty per week." She laughed quietly.
       "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5. We have to simply trust him. Something good will come out of this. I know that God will work everything out." He smiled weakly.
       "I wish I could trust God the same way you do. It's like you don't worry about anything. You just keep believing God will take care of it all." She shook her head slightly.
        "I do. And you'll get there eventually." He grinned, sitting up and hugging her. She returned the hug, grateful for her little brother, as well as her slightly older twin. God had helped and blessed them so far......but their lives weren't quite over yet. Who knew what else their lives and God had in store for them?

Hello! Don't have much time....Preparing to go see Priceless The Movie in about an hour. Anyone else going? Go follow these lovely peeps! (Or JellyBeanz ;)


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