Chapter Thirteen- Baby Name, and Yes.

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                  Jael sat beside Joel, who had finally stopped pacing. The twins were coming, and he was SO stinking jumpy. Of course, no one could blame him. After the scare that he and Moriah had right after they'd gotten married, he had a right to be worried about her. She groaned as he nearly tripped over his own feet....Again.

      "Joel, I promise, if you don't sit down right now, I will slap you. I get you're worried, but you don't need stitches again." He sat beside her, running his hands through his hair.
      "Sydney, it's been eight hours. Shouldn't they have come by now?" She shrugged.
       "Eh, it's depends. Mum told me we took almost twelve." He nearly shot up again.
       "Twelve?! Nope. If I have to wait that long, I'm going to become the Hulk, I promise." She shook her head, laughing, and then a nurse walked in.
       "Moriah Smallbone?" Then, Joel really did shoot up, and Jael stood slowly, laughing. The nurse smiled, and beckoned for them to follow her. They went up a floor, and turned right. She stopped in front of a door, quietly opening it.

        "Just don't get too excited." She said with a smile, letting them enter. Joel had the biggest smile in the world on his face as he caught sight of his wife and twins.

        "Oh, Mo." He whispered, and she smiled slightly. He moved over beside them, gently picking up Antonia.
       "You are beautiful, sweet girl." He said, kissing her forehead. Jael smiled, sitting beside her sister-in-law.
       "So....would now be a bad time to say that I found out the gender of the fourth new Smallbone baby?" Moriah shook her head, and Joel grinned.
       "Go ahead, Sydney. We're all listening." Just then, James burped, and they all laughed quietly.
       "It's a girl, and her name will either be Alyssa Lenea, or Jessica Lenea. So either Ally or Jessie. I liked three names, so I decided Lenea would be the middle name either way." She said, smiling. Joel grinned again.
       "Love it. I do like Jessie better, though." Moriah chuckled, shaking her head.
       "Of course you do." She turned to Jael, who was laughing quietly.
       "So when is she due?" Jael looked down, gently placing a hand on her stomach.
        "Four more months. It's December 20.....she's due April 14. So, I probably won't be on the road for a couple months." Joel nodded, and gently handed Antonia to her, and she smiled, cooing over her niece.
       "Hello, beautiful. You are just precious." Moriah smiled, handing him James, who just stared up at his dad, dark eyes wide.

        "Hello, little guy." Joel whispered, leaning over to kiss him. When he did, though, a tiny fist came up, popping him in the nose. Everyone laughed, and Joel shook his head slightly.

       "Well, we won't have to worry about whether or not he'll protect his sister." A couple days later, the three got to come home. And, of course, Jael had been getting some things ready for them. Joel set Antonia's carrier down, picking up his protein shake. Moriah looked at Jael, who was trying not to laugh.

       "Sydney, what'd you do?" She asked.....right as Joel took his first sip. His eyes widened, and he spit it into the sink.
        "Ugh! That is disgusting! What happened, mate?" He asked, looking at his sister.
        "It' food!" She gasped, and Moriah lost it. Joel chuckled as his wife and sister were consumed by giggles, setting the cup down.

       " sneak." He said....but he was laughing. The next day, Joel, Jael, and Luke went to meet with Chad, Caleb, Spencer, and Joey. While they were there, Jael interrupted the conversation.
        "Boys, I need some help. Ally, or Jessie?" They all have her strange looks.
       "Just answer, please. Ally or Jessie? I'm leaning towards Jessie, though." Chad spoke up first.
       "I personally like Ally better." Caleb nodded, agreeing with him, while Luke, Spencer and Joel liked Jessie better.
       "It's down to me, isn't it?" Joey asked, and she nodded. He shrugged.
       "I must not tell lies. I vote Jessie. What's this for?" She grinned.
       "Nice reference. And Jessica Lenea Smallbone will be baby's name." They all cheered quietly, and then her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number, but answered.

        "Hello?" Then, she heard a voice, and her heart started pounding.
       "Hello, Sydney. You can't hide forever. I'll be back someday. That baby's still mine. You won't be able to hide our little one from me." She couldn't breathe, and Joey was beside her, so he heard. He took the phone, and answered for her.

        "Sorry, I think you shouldn't be dialing this number. And no, you have no right to her baby. You better leave her and her family alone, or things are gonna get a whole lot worse for you." He hung up, and Luke nodded slightly.
       "Nice. And thanks. Sydney, you okay?" She claimed her breathing, nodding.
       "I'm okay. Thanks, Joey. I really appreciate that. And I think I will be getting rid of this number." All the guys agreed with that decision, and they finished their pizza. As they left, Joey and Jael walked behind every one else, talking quietly.

        "I'm not sure. To be honest, I'd go out with someone I know and can trust." He nodded, gathering his courage.
        "Sydney, at some point, would you want to get dinner together sometime?" She looked up at him, a sweet but confused look on her face.
        "Or....or doesn't have to be dinner, I mean...." She chuckled.
        "Joseph Stamper, are you trying to ask me out on a date?" He blushed, scratching his head.
        "No! I mean- Yes. I mean...." She cut him off, gently placing a finger on his lips.
        "Yes, I'd like to." She took her hand down, and kept walking, unaware that Luke had just heard the whole thing.....again. He chuckled as Joey grinned, and she caught up to him.

       "Hope it goes well. I don't think he's gonna hurt you." He whispered, and she gently punched him.
       "That was a private conversation." He shrugged.
       "Then why'd you have it in a public place?" She hit him again, and he laughed, shaking his head.
       "Just saying." She raised an eyebrow.
       "Well, I'd appreciate if I don't get any more comments from the peanut gallery about a date I'm going on." He chuckled slightly as she slowed down again.
        "Who said I'm the peanut gallery?"

Hello! And the video up top is for christismysaviour. It's Forgive Me, by Rebecca St James, and Joel is the actor in the video. Comment your three favorite emojis if you ship Soey! (Sydney+Joey) Thanks for reading!- Becki Lynne

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