Chapter Ten- I'm Joseph, or Joey.

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          Two weeks later, Sydney watched, hands clasped over her stomach, as the bus pulled in. Anthem Lights. That's who was on that bus, and they would be joining them and Jordan Feliz. She saw four guys and two girls get off bus, laughing. Joel came up behind her, gently rubbing her shoulders.

       "I guess that's our new tour mates. Shall we go greet them?" She chuckled.
       "Sure. Where are Moriah, Luke, and Courtney?" He shrugged.
       "Somewhere inside. Not exactly sure where." She smiled, filling her brother over.
       "Hey! I'm guessing you're Joel?" One of them asked. He nodded.
       "You guessed correctly. I'm Joel, and this is my sister, Sydney." She smiled.
       "Hi." They waved.
       "Well, I'm Caleb, and this is my wife, Kelsey. That's Chad and his wife, Fallon, and that's Spencer, and we're all pleased to meet you." She elbowed him.
       "Really? You didn't say my name! Ah, well. I'm Joseph Stamper. But, I mostly go by Joey." Jael smiled, and he returned it. Joel chuckled, shaking hands.
       "Alright. You all need any help unloading?" They shook their heads.
       "I think we're good." Spencer said, and the ladies chuckled.
       "Go for it." Fallon said, laughing, and Sydney chuckled.
       "Fallon, do you and Kelsey want to come with me." They both smiled and nodded, and they went to the Starbucks next door.

        "So.....I've got a question. Are you married?" Kelsey carefully asked. Jael shook her head.
        "No. But, I am pregnant. I was raped by a guy about two months ago." Fallon shook her head, and Kelsey groaned.
        "Did he get prosecuted?" Jael nodded, looking down at her stomach.
       "Yeah. And apparently, if I get worse, I'm going to have to stay in the hospital until baby's born. I have ulcerative colitis, and because of the baby, I can't take my meds." Kelsey winced slightly.
       "So they have to monitor you to make sure you're doing alright." She nodded, taking a sip of her caramel mocha.
        "Exactly. But if I'm doing alright, I can stay on the road. And everything that's happened to's just been fuel for the fire." Fallon gave her a confused look.

       "How?" Jael smiled, showing her the necklaces.
       "Something my brothers started with the band. The 'Respect and Honour' movement. We believe that women and young ladies are priceless, and should be treated with the utmost respect and honour, that chivalry is not dead. And with what's happened, with me being raped, my brothers understand even more now just how much of an impact it can have, saying and believing a woman is priceless." Kelsey chuckled.
        "So that's something good that God has brought out of the situation so far." Jael nodded, taking another sip.
        "Yeah. It's amazing." They continued to talk for a couple more hours before Joel, Chad, and Caleb came to find them for the show. It was a normal show....up until one part. Joel did the speech about respect and honour.....but then the wrong tune started. It was a piano, and too slow, not Joel's xylophone for Priceless. Then, a single spotlight came up on Luke. She was confused, because she didn't remember this from sound check. And then, he started singing.

       I see you dressed in white
       Every wrong made right
       I see a rose in bloom
       At the sight of you.

       You're irreplaceable
       Incomparable, darling
       It's beautiful.
       I see it all in you.

       Sydney caught her breath as she realized which one this was. Priceless- The Movie Ballad. Joel stepped up beside Luke, catching her eyes, even though she was on the other side of the stage. And then, he started singing.

        No matter what you've heard,
        This is what you're worth.
        More than all the money
        Or the diamonds and pearls
        This is who you are
        This is who you are

        She was fighting the tears, trying not to break down....because she knew this song was directed right at her. Then, her brothers sang together.
       So when it's late and,
       You're wide awake, too much to take
       Don't you dare forget that
       In the pain you can be brave
      Hear me say...

       I see you dressed in white
       Every wrong made right
      I see a rose in bloom
      At the sight of you
       You're irreplaceable
      Darling, it's beautiful
      I see it all in you.

       Fighting the tears, she followed her instincts, and stepped in between the two of them, and began the next part. After she finished the first half, her brothers sang with her.

       Sisters, we can start again
       Give honour to the end, love
       We can start again
        Brothers, we can start again
        Give honour to the end, yes
        We can start again.

        We can start again
        We can start again.

        The room exploded into cheers, and she moved her mic away, and Joel wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close as she burst into tears. Somehow, she managed to pull herself together, and he whispered to her.

       "Can I say what happened?" She nodded, brushing away tears that wouldn't stop falling. He smiled, holding the microphone up again.

       "Ladies and gentlemen, that song meant a lot to us in the past.....but within the past few weeks, it has come to mean even more. My twin sister, the one you see here with Luke and myself.....she just discovered that she is going to be a mum in a few months. But, how that came to happen is unspeakable. To put it in kinder terms, she experienced what someone like Antonia probably would have." A collective gasp went up, and he paused, waiting for the room to quiet down, and then he continued.

       "But has just fueled our passion for the Priceless movement. And we want it to help you do something to raise awareness. To help us stop people who may be like Garo. To protect friends, nieces, daughters, cousins...." He paused, taking Jael's hand.
        "Sisters. Because today, it may seem like chivalry is dead. But let me tell you something here, tonight. Chivalry is not dead! Every woman and young lady here are priceless. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." They finished their last song and left, but that moment....that moment would forever be engraved in her mind.

        "No matter what I've heard....I am priceless." She whispered, looking out the bus window with a hand on her stomach.


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