Chapter Sixteen- Will You?

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               Joey grinned, seeing his girlfriend and her daughter climbing off their bus. He came over, kissing both of their foreheads.

      "How are you two doing?" Jael smiled, and Jessie started babbling in her own language.
      "Doing alright. Someone likes the sound of her own voice." Joel was behind them, and grinned.
      "Sounds like you sometimes." She turned, and he ducked, but she still whacked him on the arm. Jessie bounced, laughing and clapping to everyone's amusement.

      "Don't you start that, Joel David Smallbone. You're the one who used to show off in the Sunday School classes, and Luke and I answered questions." Joey chuckled, and then an young woman walked up. She seemed to be about 21, and she seemed familiar.

      "Sydney Smallbone?" Joey and Sydney turned to see her, and she smiled slightly.
      "Yes? Can I help you?" She nodded.
      "Yes, I believe so. My brother wanted me to see if I could find his baby. I'm Caylie Evans. My brother is Daniel." Luke climbed down just in time to hear that, and froze. Then, Sydney spoke up again, and the normal kindness in her voice was gone, and it was cold.

      "I'm sorry. The only baby here is my child. I need you to leave, or I will call the police." Caylie stiffened, and glared at Sydney.
      "Really? Well, I don't think the baby is also your boyfriend's, is it? Daniel is the father, and you need to stop trying to keep him away." Luke came forward, and he took Jessie from Sydney, who nodded towards the bus. He nodded, and headed back on. Then, Joel started dialing the police, and Joey spoke up.

      "If your brother hadn't raped her, she wouldn't have to keep him away. You need to leave, now." She crossed her arms, and Joel hung up.
       "I'm not leaving until I have my brother's child, and that's final." Joel stepped forward. Caylie took a step back when she saw him, as if she was almost afraid of him.
       "I think you actually are leaving. The police are on their way, and I'm pretty sure you won't be able to stay. So either you leave on your own, or they make you leave." Caylie clenched her fists, and she seemed to be having a stare down with Sydney, who had a stone gaze, not even blinking.
      "Fine. But I promise you, Sydney, this is not over. Daniel will get his baby back, and I will see that happen, or else." She left, and Sydney pretty much collapsed once she was gone. Joey and Joel caught her, helping her back on the bus, where she broke down. Jessica crawled over, using her mama's knees to pull herself up. Jael scooped her up, hugging her.

      "Syd, she's not going to be able to take Jessica. You're her mum, and you don't neglect her, mate. It'll be okay." Joel said soothingly. She looked up, her eyes watery.
      "I know. I just want them to leave us alone. Technically, Daniel's the only one with the restraining order." Joey sighed, and then there was a knock on the door. Luke stood, and explained to the officer what happened, and he wrote something down.
     "Thank you, officer. I appreciate it." Then, he returned, holding a sheet of paper.
     "Sydney, you can file for a restraining order on her as well. What Caylie did is legally classified as harassment." She leaned back, and Jessie scooted onto Joey's lap. She looked up at him, and said her first word.

      "Dada!" Pretty much everyone froze, and Jael looked at Jessie.
      "Did....did she just-?" Then, she said it again.
      "Dada!" Joey smiled slightly, and Jael looked at her boyfriend, then her brothers. Luke smiled, and Joel smirked.

      "Should I be surprised that he's 'dada?' Or that it was her first word?" She smiled slightly, blushing.
      "To be honest, I don't mind. It's better that you-know-who being that. And I didn't teach it to her." Luke shifted slightly, smiling, and Joel's jaw dropped.
       "Luke? Did you-?" He chuckled, and Jael and Joey stared at him.
      " taught her that my boyfriend is Dada?" Joey chuckled, kissing her on the cheek.
      "I don't mind that much. And can you be ready in about 20 minutes?" She nodded, handing Jessie to Luke. 15 minutes later, she had changed and was ready. She had on a pair of black converse, jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pink and white plaid shirt over it. She had her usual band necklaces and bracelets on as she walked out.

     "You look awesome." Luke said, and Jessie clapped, babbling. She smiled, and headed out, meeting Joey outside. They went down to an old diner, getting burgers and chocolate shakes. Then, they went to an empty field, laying back and watching the stars.

      "Oh, it's so beautiful." Joey smiled, taking her hand.
     "Not as beautiful as you, love." She blushed, and he helped her up, taking out his phone. He took her hands, and started a song. (Play song up top) She smiled, blushing, as they started dancing. As the song finished, he smiled, taking out something, and going down on one knee.

      "Sydney, I hope that this isn't too rushed for you, but I have to say this. I love you, and I've loved you for a long time now. And I don't care about what Daniel did. That doesn't make me love you any less. We've shared a lot, and I'm sure now that this is love. So....I have to ask you this, and I'm glad I'm not stuttering like an idiot. Sydney Jael Smallbone.....Will you marry me?" She froze, choking up. She couldn't even speak, and she nodded, furiously brushing the tears away. He stood, sliding the ring on, and wrapping his arms around her.

       "I love you, Jael, and I always will. I'll love you 'til the end of my days."

Hola!! Whatcha think? Enough sweetness in here for y'all? chapter will hopefully be posted probably Thursday. Love you guys! And who's happy about the Soey engagement? Thanks for reading!!

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