Chapter Fifteen- Getting Ready For Tour

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                  Sydney groaned, waking at 5:30 and hearing five month old Jessica crying....again. She wasn't feeling good, and she was constantly waking up at night. She tossed the covers off, heading for the nursery that her siblings had put together for Jessie. But before she could get there, she heard Jessica quiet down. Sydney got to the nursery door, seeing Joel there, holding his niece. 

       "Shh....let's let your mama sleep some, alright?" Jessica cooed, reaching up and grabbing his shirt collar. She chuckled slightly, and her older brother looked up.

       "You didn't have to get up." He said quietly, and she shrugged.
       "Well, my baby girl was crying, and I heard her. This could get interesting with the tour starting tomorrow." He chuckled, gently putting the baby girl back in her bed, where she sighed in her sleep. They left, and Jael dropped onto her bed again, nearly in tears, and Joel sat beside her.

       "What's wrong, love?" He asked, putting an arm around her shoulders.
       "I don't know how I'm going to do this. Joey's been so supportive through all of this, and you guys have too, but I don't know how I'm going be able to raise her on my own." Then, the tears started flowing. He sighed, wrapping both arms around her and holding her close and letting her cry.

       "Hey, it's okay. I know you can do this. Look at me." He whispered, and she looked up.
       "Sydney, you're the one that convinced your two stubborn brothers that our music could go somewhere. And you convinced your still stubborn and grumpy younger brother that God had a reason for letting him never be able to play basketball again." She nodded, taking a shaky breath, and closing her eyes. Joel simply hugged her, letting her go back to sleep. After she had fallen asleep again, he gently scooped her up, laying her back down and pulling the covers over her. He kissed her forehead, and the left, hearing Jessie start to wake up again.

       "Hey, baby girl. C'mere, mate. Time to go to sleep." He sat in the rocking chair, just gently rocking his niece and singing quietly. Then, they quickly dozed off. The next morning, Jael got up....And didn't hear Jessica like she normally did. She quickly tossed off her covers, hurrying into her daughter's room......And froze when she saw her brother and daughter asleep together in the rocking chair. She chuckled, slowly walking out and finding Moriah in the living room with James in a bouncing seat, and she was feeding Antonia.

      "Did you look in the nursery?" She smiled slightly, nodding.
      "Yeah. That happened a couple times right after the twins were born as well." She smiled, going and getting her coffee.
      "Really? Why does that not surprise me? And you think you'd be able to help me finish packing before 3:30? We've got to leave at 4:00 so we can get to the venue on time." She smiled, and Antonia finished eating.
      "Sure. And my girls and I will be coming out to the first Washington performance to meet up with you guys, and we'll finish the tour with you." She switched twins, and started feeding James. About a half hour later, Joel came out, carrying a happy, and now awake Jessie. Jael chuckled slightly, smiling at her brother.

       "Hey, sleepy head. You two have a good nap together?" He chuckled, and Jessie laughed, waving her fists.
       "I think so. Did you get a good night's sleep?" She smiled and nodded, taking another sip of her coffee. After breakfast, they got their things packed and by lunchtime, everything was on the bus and all the instruments were packed as well. Jael sat in the kitchen, Jessie playing with James, Hallie, and Antonia in Luke and Courtney's living room. Then, Joel and Moriah's foster daughter, Emily, came in.

      "Hey. How are you?" She smiled slightly, pulling her beanie tighter on her head.
      "Pretty good, aunt Jael. How about you?" She smiled back.
      "Not too bad. You also coming out with Moriah in a couple weeks?" She nodded, getting some leftover waffles from the fridge.
      "Yeah, I am. We're going to be out there on dad's birthday, and I wanted to do something to surprise him. Any ideas?" She grinned at her niece.
      "Hey, do you want to choose a song for me and you to do for him once you get out there?" Emily looked at her, shocked.
      "R-Really?" She smiled at her again.
      "Really." Emily came over, squishing her in a hug.
      "Thank you. I don't think anyone has ever been this kind to me." Jael smiled, hugging her back.
      "You're part of the family now, Emmy. We're not letting you go, and you're not alone."

Hello! So, with school, I've decided to change my update schedule a bit. I will be updating this, the FK&C one shots, and Lighthouse each once a week. And Emily is christismysaviour, who is awesome, by the way. Go check her out, and you have got to hear her story about Luke Smallbone's little gift to her. Thanks for reading!- Becki Lynne

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