Chapter Fourteen- New Arrival

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           It was April 2, and Jessie would be coming soon. Jael sat on the couch, gently rubbing her stomach. Not much had happened since Christmas, other than the fact that she had become Joey's girlfriend yesterday. She smiled, remembering his stuttering when he had first asked her out. Courtney came in, smiling as well, holding baby Hallie. She was about a month old, and the happiest little girl you've ever met.

       "Hey, Sydney. She still using you as a punching bag?" Sydney laughed quietly, slowly standing.
       "Ooh....Yup. Now I know how the one at the gym feels." They both laughed, and Sydney nearly doubled over as a wave of pain shot through her body. Courtney gave her a worried look, quickly placing Hallie in the nearby bassinet.

       "Hey, you okay?" She gritted her teeth, gasping as another gripped her.
        "Mm....I think....I think Jessie's coming." Courtney gently helped her sit.
       "How long have they been happening?" Sydney squeezed her eyes shut.
       "About four hours." Her sister-in-law's eyes widened, and she quickly scooped up Hallie again.
       "LUKE!!!" Sydney chuckled. The last time she'd been that loud was when Hallie was coming. He hurried down the stairs, nearly falling on his face.

       "Jessie?" Sydney nodded, and he grabbed his shoes and keys. He quickly got her out to the car, and started driving as fast as he could legally. They got there in under 15 minutes, and she was taken back. As her brother, Luke wasn't allowed to go back. So he waited, calling Joey, as well as other family members.

      "Joey Stamper speaking, how may I help you?" Luke chuckled.
      "It's Luke. Your girlfriend's having her baby." He heard a choking sound, and a thud. He snorted, trying not to laugh. Then, Joey's voice was heard again.

       "Sorry, you said Jessie's on her way?" Luke chuckled slightly.
       "Yup. She just got in though, so it'll probably be awhile. You want me to call you after Jessie comes?" He heard Joey hollering.
       "Spencer, shut up! Luke's on the phone, and Jael's baby is coming! Yes, I said that! Now shut up!" He chuckled.
       "Grumpy much?" Joey sighed.
       "Yeah, sorry. We got back at 1:30 last night. And yes please, call me when Jessie comes." Joey groaned.
       "Spencer would you please shut up!! Sorry, gotta go. See you later." Luke chuckled.
       "No problem. See ya." After seven hours and twelve cups of coffee between Joel and Luke, a nurse came out.
       "Sydney Smallbone?" They stood, and she smiled.
      "I'm guessing you're the two brothers she told me were probably out here. Come on." They followed her, and they were allowed into her room. Joel was the first to go in, and grinned at his sister.

       "Well, guess who's a mum now? Congrats, little sis." She rolled her eyes, but there was pride in them.
       "Wow. I'm fifteen minutes younger, and you still do the little sister thing." Luke smiled, texting Joey.
       "Hey, you won't see me doing it. Technically you are my little sister, though. And Joey's on his way." She chuckled.
       "Okay, height doesn't count. You and Libby have everyone beat, easily. And thanks. Wanna meet your niece?" She asked, smiling. Luke moved over to beside them, and she handed her baby girl off.

       "Hello, Jessie. You are beautiful, sweet girl." He said, looking at the newborn. He sat down, and Joel came over.
       "Mm, she's got the typical Smallbone hair. Dark, and a little curly." He said, grinning, and Jael chuckled.
       "Not at all surprised, mate. And don't you dare tell Joey this yet, but if it's what God wants, I wouldn't mind her growing up with him as her dad." Luke smiled, and Joel stole Jessica from him.
       "So you're allowing him in?" She smiled and nodded.
       "I've already told God to do what he wants, but I've still got my fingers crossed. I'm going to be honest- Joey reminds me of you two when you're with Courtney and Moriah. Chivalry might be dying, but he's one of the people that still believes in it." Joel smiled, and nearly got popped in the nose by Jessica, and he gave her a look.

       "Really? First James, now you? What is it with me and getting hit by babies?" Then, she started crying, and Jael chuckled.
       "Nice job, Joel. She's already been fussed at, and she's not even a day old." He gave her back to Sydney, who gently rocked her, humming This Is Love. Then, there was a quiet knock, and Joey poked his head in.

       "Hello?" Sydney smiled, seeing her boyfriend, and he came all the way in.
       "Hey. Just you?" Joey nodded, coming over.
      "Spencer said if he came, it would be with a kazoo. He got coffee. So, Chad and Caleb pretty much shoved me into my car, telling me to come. She's beautiful, just like her mama." Jessie made a gurgling noise, and he grinned.
      "She agrees with me!" Everyone laughed, and she handed Jessie to him. She snuggled into his arms, sighing and drifting off to sleep. Luke chuckled.

      "Wow. Jude wouldn't even do that with me after he was born. Guess she already has a thing for you." Jael smiled, and Joey chuckled.
       "Mm, maybe. Or she knows her mama does." He teased, and Sydney groaned.
       "You and Joel are both getting one to the shoulder once I can get out of bed." Everyone laughed quietly at that, and her brothers soon left. Then, it was just Joey and Sydney there.

        "She really is beautiful, Syd." She smiled, pulling the blanket up over her chest so she could feed Jessie.
        "She is. My only worry is what's going to happen when she asks about her dad. I'm not going to teach her that Daniel is her father. He has no right to that title." Joey nodded.
        "Syd, I've been praying about what God wants to happen between us in the future." She nodded.
       "I have too. I know it's only been six months, but I do have my fingers crossed that this works out between us." He smiled.
       "Is it bad that I have as well?" She shook her head, and Jessie burped.
        "Guess she does too." They both laughed quietly, and he smiled at her.
        "So.....would you be completely, totally opposed to me proposing at some point in the future?" She shook her head.
        "Not at all. And I doubt my brothers will be either." She smiled, and he stood, kissing the top of her head.
        "Good to know. I'd better go help the guys with Spencer. See you later." She smiled as he left, the butterflies completely taking over her body.
        "God....I'm going to guess that this is love." She whispered.

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