| chapter -1 |

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Rhys Thomas was there to collect drug supplies and I was there to represent my dad. My eyes scanned the surrounding for some impending danger but the deal seemed plain and danger free.

"Leader sends in a girl for the deal, are you any good girl?" Rhys asks and just to make a point I shot near his foot.

He jumped and curse.

"Make it quick, you dimwit, I am not here to entertain you."

"But you can if you want." He grinned showing off his blackened teeth and dog-like face.

"Fuck off." I snatched the money back from his hand.

But before I could do that, he brushed his hand against my thigh in a perverted manner. Bitch, you just signed your death sentence.

I shot him first in the leg. Shocked and hurt he fell down and rest of his follower closed in. I was alone on this one without telling dad because he wouldn't let me lead a deal, ever. So I wanted to make a point.

I shot few of them charging my way. Now that I was shot of bullets, I pulled out of a knife and attacked them. There were almost twenty of them. I gutted a few, kicked few and punched a few. I loved giving out some flying kicks so some were gifted by one.

Within ten minutes everyone was down on the ground, groaning, some unconscious and probably some gone to hell.

"Leader will not be happy. We have been dealing with years." Rhys growled at me, his face red with pain through his wound.

"Leader can't say much to his daughter , bastard." I kicked his leg and he yelled in pain.

"Daughter?" So the jerk face knew me.

His eyes reflected fear as he looked at me, "Alisha Ramos."

I nodded as he said my name and shot him again. There was no way in hell I was leaving this bastard alive.


"Other dealers are angry, Alisha. Can I ask why you did that?" My father, Jod Ramos asked me in a really angry tone.

I chewed on to the gum as I noticed him all flustered and worried as he paced in the room.

"Dad, he was a perv and tried his hand at me," I told him.

"And that is why I keep you away from these deals. You are more of leverage than a help. " His words were harsh and I held back my own annoyance.

"He was a slime dad, big deal if he is dead."

"I wish I had a son sometimes." That did it.

I have heard this too many times and I tried to be a son for him but nothing makes him happy. I was trained in martial arts, jujitsu, weapons and every possible thing and better than his right-hand man himself. I can not only handle new weapons but also weapons like an arrow, sword, machete, katana etc.

I was the best he had and yet the biased opinion.

"Then I guess you don't need a daughter." I snapped and walked away.

He called me out repeatedly apologizing and he didn't mean that. But people in anger say things that they actually mean.


Besides my dad, the only person I happen to like in this measly dark place was my nanny and cook, Esmeliene. She was with me since I could remember. My mom is alive and well but she couldn't live with a gangster so she left my father even before they could get married and now she left me with him because she had another man.

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