| chapter - 27 |

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I was never the type to sacrifice. I knew deep down in my heart that I was selfish and I will choose myself over anyone else in a heartbeat. But then this stupid heart started beating for someone else. I was never the one to even consider that someone will become so important to me that I will not care about my life.

But one thing I was and I will always be is staunch to the person I care for. Let's just say as many reasons Elias gave me to love and live, he gave me strength to die for him as well. I just hope he doesn't take my loss too seriously or maybe I do. I did make him wear the ring so he never forgets about the girl from future, his bodyguard.

I tried to shift positions in the cell but my legs won't allow me as excruciating pain courses through them. I needed to confess my crimes and for that, I went through a brutal phase of interrogation. My legs were tied with heavy iron chains that left injuries. My back hurt because of the whipping that almost tore through my clothes.

The cell was dark with dirty cream walls, grills of iron and cold floor that increased the pain by hundred times. Only light was a torch of fire hanging on the wall outside. Somehow it was calming to see the flickering of orange yellow fire.

But I guess you can't relate with relief I felt the pain as I took every blame for Elias and gave him a strong comeback chance. And there was still another plan in the process. Even with Elias back in position, we still needed the evil magician to be gone and Mel decided to ask for my help in it. It turned out that the plan cannot proceed without me.

My eyes threatened to close with the impending tiredness and a lot of pain but injuries all over made it hard for me to breathe.

I turned stiff at the arriving shadow visible in the firelight. I can't face him now, it will be heartbreaking.

Elias removed the black covering from his face and I was surprised at the fickleness of my heart which surfaced all the feelings on seeing him. Silence echoed around as I stared at his face and he stared at mine. I dare not look at his eyes that might reveal too much and I had no courage to take that all in.

"Alisha." He whispered with a voice thick with emotion.

Without even realising, I bit back a sob. I choose this I will not cry in front of him and make him doubt my decisions.

I argued in my head whether to pretend the evil sorceress that I am or just allow myself the freedom of loving Elias as Alisha. Obviously, I choose the latter.

"I am sorry," I mumble out the words realising my throat was dry and my voice  croaking.

My heart clutched painfully in my chest as next thing Elias did was dropping down to his knees with his head hung low in shame.

"Don't make my last minutes painful Highness." I console him with my dry humour he often appreciated.

"Why are you doing this Alisha?" And I choked in surprise as my heart sunk even lower on seeing tears in his eyes.

I had many answers for this questions but I answered it in a simple way.

"Because I love you." My voice came out softer like I was making him understand.

"No, you don't. Making you die in my place will never bring me peace. I will be living like a dead man." He retaliates at my confession.

"But you will live and you will find love again." It rips my hearts to say the words of him finding love again but I say them nevertheless.

"Do you think I would like to live once you are gone?" He snarls at me and then guilt crosses his face for being angry at me.

"You have a kingdom to take care of Elias, I am just a girl out of time." I was trying my best to make him see sense.

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