| chapter - 12 |

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If anyone could win a stupid idea award it will be me. And why not? Instead of trying to find a way out of this timeline I was helping people in this one and even tried suicidal things.

I should have listened when Prince said that the dungeon was heavily guarded. And by heavy, they meant 'heavy'. The guards were not only good fighters but there built in a tall, monstrous manner. Kicks and punches were lost on them and they were skilled at sword fighting and even deflected arrows and daggers thrown at them.

My needles were not enough for all those bulky humans who were not even looking human. They had ferocious eyes, unevenly crossed dirty hair and growled like a wild wolf. I was never trained for this kind of fighting because we had a little thing called guns.

"Where is your mother? We have been running for half an hour now." I asked the Prince who looked even more determined now.

"I don't know. I have never been in the dungeon before this."

"And you call yourself the Prince?" I mocked him just out of annoyance.

"Why would I come down to a dungeon, enlighten me?" He was getting short of breath.

"To know if the right people are here. To see if they just put criminals or is there someone inside who needs freedom."

My words made him silent.

We kept running from the guards that were hard to injure and even harder to kill. And that dungeon was really long. My legs were sore now and we also had a tournament to attend two days later. We can't afford to die in here.

"I have a plan," I said.

"Don't share it with me. I don't like your plans."

"We should separate. I distract them and you search for your mother." Yeah, so I am suicidal and impulsive.

"Are you out of my mind?" He sounded angry.

"Do you have any other idea?"

After a while, he said," Don't die Arthur."

I nodded, "Your soft side is showing Highness."

"You still haven't seen the scary side so you better follow my order and stay alive." He said and we separated ways.


Had it not been for the fool Minister I would have never found Elias' mother. I saw someone approaching as I managed to kill two guards.

"There is someone here," Minister said as he saw a lot of dead bodies and injured people.

Worried that his captive might have escaped he ran straight for the prison were looking for. It was not a normal bar prison but it was hidden behind a lot of bricks and if not aware we could have just passed right from the front of it.

I carefully followed him making sure not to be caught.

Removing the bricks from the pile he opened an iron door and I saw a woman sitting on the floor. Her sharp resemblance to Elias was uncanny. This was his mother. She sunken eyes, cut and wounds on her eyes, red shot eyes made it clear that she was tortured here.

I felt angry all of a sudden at this inhumanity and the cruelty in which Elias was living just because he was the next King.

And like I said I was freaking crazy impulsive. I stepped out in front of three guards and two others with the minister. I had my sword with me and few arrows left on me. So I shot two arrows at their hearts no taking a risk. The hulking guards were not deterred by few arrows and came forward to attack me.

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