| chapter - 11 |

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The next two days were more like a blur. I was too tired playing the double role and even felt dizzy at times.

"Are you okay?" Elias asked because my face might have revealed my agony.

"Not sure."

"You need rest. You are studying with all the guarding as well." He held genuine concern in his voice.

He didn't know I was also fighting for Norgivia.

"Did you have any useful information from our palace spies?" I asked him since he himself seemed drained of all energy.

Since he heard his mother was alive, he had been waking up at night due to some dreams. It was a good thing I was here else the lonely life of his might have killed him already.

"No information. " His tone was disheartening.

"Don't worry we will find her."

"What if I didn't lose to Norman and they hurt my mother."

"You will not have to loose to Norman." Because before that, he will have to fight me.


After four days of competition of archery, spears, swimming and maze Norgivia was second because I was not a great swimmer so I came third in that one surprising myself but this made a difference in the points and in the second position while Elias was third and Norman was somewhere was down the list on ninth.

Since half the games were done out of kingdoms the one having warriors in top ten could stay and others had to leave. Norman was fighting as a representative for a Kingdom called Kazak. It was the same kingdom whose daughter King wanted as Elias's wife so that he becomes a mere puppet.

I had no idea what damn kingdom had or how important it was but Norman was forced to represent it since King wanted ministers and rest of the crowd to know his son's caliber. Seeing Norman fight he was nowhere close to impressing people. As per Elias' details, Norman was brains but to be a Prince you need brains and brawns as well.

And truthfully Elias was really good with both.

Now what was left of the competition was hand to hand combat, sword fighting and ring of fire. In the ring of fire, last four opponents are put to combat and we can use any skill we know of to win, the one we are best at.

We can choose our opponents for a sword fight and so I didn't loose time in choosing and picked Norman. Elias and the one in the first place were fighting each other. I was glad it was not me and Elias because he might have recognized me that close.

Elias came in the practice arena fuming over something.

"That jerk choose Norman, why?" He asked probably referring me as a jerk.

"Because it will be an easy victory." I gave the most sensible answer.

"And he will be shining in her eyes again." He seemed perplexed at the thought.

"It's better for him to reach the top and then you defeat him. Wouldn't that make you shine even better." I was like a mother of a spoilt kid right now.

He seemed impressed with my idea and nodded with a smile.

"If Norman wins today we might have to face each other for hand to hand combat."

"He will not win." I was sure of that.

"How are you so sure?"

"Well, because I have seen that Norgivian warrior and he is good." Praising myself felt weird.

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