| chapter - 6 |

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You do know that needles if put in right spot can make you sleep for hours. Don't ask me biological or technical or whatever reason because I was trained to use them. As soon as I reached the area for ball I had to use it on some princess and attack the carriage and all. The princess was left safely sleeping the carriage and I interchanged her clothes.

Anyway, she had a lot of layers, corset and all. I just put on the gown, let my hair down and thanked the gods because I took a bath else I would have looked like a girl rolled out of mud and blood. My whole body was sore with pain and it felt like I could breathe in that gown even though I am not a dresses kind of girl.

Under my dress was my boots which I refuse to leave. They were hidden unless I lift my gown and started hopping. I stood at the entrance till I saw Elias step down from a carriage followed by Norman and my mind clicked.

Norman will be my date. He will be close to his brother for the evening and I can be around as well. As Elias moved ahead I rubbed my palms against my lavender gown for some reason feeling nervous of playing a person without a mask.

"Prince Norman, it's finally good to meet you," I said as curtly as possible.

He frowned not sure who I was. I smiled pleasantly at him and saw him blink, his ears turning pink. I had to hold back a giggle on his love-struck reaction.

"I am Princess of Norgivia." Well, I did ask the girl before I put her to sleep.

"Oh, you are more beautiful than I have heard off." He said completely trying to flirt which looked funny.

"Can I be your date for the ball, I came here alone on my father's wishes." I tried to sound like the poor victim daughter.

His face lit up and he nodded offering me his arm.

I looped my arm into his arm succeeded in my mission. Now my eyes looked for Elias who was busy talking with some men. I relaxed since I knew that the mercenary was a girl. Like I expected, I was just an arm doll with Norman. Most people ignored me while some asked if I was to be married to Norman.

I kept my stance attack ready and my eyes on now dancing Elias.

"Let's dance," I asked in a really informal way.

Norman looked too happy to notice. He nodded and pulled me to the dance floor with some sleep- inducing was playing. I missed our time music. I danced in a way that we were close to Elias. He noticed Norman dancing with me and the first thing I noticed was his wink to his brother for getting lucky.


And then he saw me and there was a look of surprise on his face. For a moment I thought he caught me somehow but he just looked away when his dance partner said something giving him the clichéd coy looks.

Norman talked about things like how was my kingdom and I had no damn idea so I just gave lame answers pretending to be the foolish spoilt princess.

"I have not asked your name." Norman realized and I was about to answer Arthur.

"I will tell you at the end of the night if I like you enough," I said with a hopefully seductive smile.

My pretended charms were unhealthy for cute Norman as he seemed at loss for words.

Suddenly I saw the girl with Elias pulling him away for some 'private' time I bet. My senses screamed trouble and I had to excuse myself from Norman.

"I need to have some water, I will meet you in a few moments." He nodded and let me go with a smile.

I followed the Prince discreetly. I kept my head down lest some high and mighty guy asked me who I was, I will be in grave trouble. I followed the girl's fake laughter as Elias muttered something. Just sway your hips and giggle and boy will follow you around like a fool.

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