| chapter - 9 |

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It has been three days since we returned back from the mountains and all did Elias did was practice. He was really hard working once he gets the mind to that thing. At night he will sit with bunch of books and read till late. He was that all star guy who could do everything and look good as well.

Now that I accepted that I had feelings for him they just grew stronger. And I realised that almost every girl in the palace either had a crush on him or some of them even wished to be the next Princess. He had those flirty smiles for every female around keeping them on their toes.

Tomorrow was the day the tournament and I have to keep my life and secret safe. I was well prepared for the battle and I have to make deal with Norgivia to represent them so I made to way to the quarters where they resided now as all the guest were here and surprisingly ..not really with their daughters.

"I am here to meet the King," I said confidently.

I wore the official robe of the Kingdom so he did not stop me and let me in. I was covering my face as I wanted to be the male representative here. In the battle, I will be wearing a helmet so there was nothing to worry there.

"Yes?" The princess met me outside the door before I could meet her father.

She was really beautiful and I regretted impersonating her. I just connected Elias and her somehow.

"I am here to represent your kingdom in the tournaments," I stated and she nodded letting me in.

I told the King the same thing who seemed baffled.

"Why do you want to help me when you are from this kingdom?" Kirk, you old man you didn't tell me a way around this.

"Well, our kingdom provide warriors to those who do not have children to represent in the battle." I lied yet again.

He thought for a moment and then said, "I already brought someone with me."

"Well, we can always see who is better." I offered him a solution.

"Okay, let's try this."

I had a short round of sword fight with the warrior he brought and he was nowhere close to talented. He would have been kicked out in the tournament early on.

"As you can see I am the best option you get."

"At least can I see your face so that I can recognise you elsewhere," King asked.

"No, I am not allowed to do so."

This annoyed him a bit but he agreed to this for the reasons I didn't know.

He handed me the Kingdom uniform and a badge officially making me a warrior for Norgivia.


"Where were you?" Elias asked as soon as I entered the room.

"Library," I told the partial truth.

I visited the library daily to find the mystery behind Agnes.

"So now you want to study. You do everything besides protecting me." He scolded me something he has never done before.

"What is wrong Elias?" I asked.

"Nothing." He snapped and I thought this was not the time to mess with the Prince.

So I just sat down in the corner. After a while, he said, "Your presence is somehow calming to me Arthur."

His words were something that made me my heart thump loudly inside but it was meant for his bodyguard not the girl me.

"Thank you," I muttered.

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