| chapter - 17 |

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"He doesn't know that you are a girl?" My dad sounded less outrageous that before when I told him I was meeting a guy.

"Well, it is kind of complex." I don't know if I should tell him about the whole deal of time travel and all.

"You have been gone for five months Alisa and now you are back home with a guy? What am I suppose to understand with this?" He was getting into father mode now.

"Can we talk about this when Mel is around?" She was the reason behind all this. Least she could do is explain dad about this.

"I am not letting this pass easily Alisha. I have serious enemies that could have killed you. And I couldn't sleep for days. I started drinking too much till Mel informed me that she talked to you and you are fine. I know I have been too harsh about you being a part of the gang but you should know that is not because I want a son or something. It is because you are most important to me and I don't want you to get hurt."

His words brought tears to my eyes and made me realise the dilemma I was in. I had feelings for a man from another time while Dad here cannot bear to live without me.

We reached the house and I hurried out to enter to alert Elias and Mel before. But as soon as I opened the door I encountered complete darkness. There was pin drop silence in the house and for some reason, I felt scared and uneasy. Dad followed me a few seconds later.

"Where is Mel?" He asked in a worried tone.

Did a time travel thing happened while I was gone? This can't be. Elias can't be gone like this? I started growing short of breath and before I could even realise I was sobbing.

"Alisha? What's wrong?" Dad immediately turned his attention to the crying me who he knew didn't cry at easily.

"E-Elias." I sobbed out his name, my mind already listing the methods I could get him back.

Unlike my blank and stupid brain, my dad did the intelligent thing and called Mel.

"Hello, Mel where are you?" He asked and I stopped sobbing to hear every single he word he was saying.

"Who is this?" My dad's voice turned hateful.

"Don't you dare." He growled out the words and I knew he was angry.

"What is it, Dad?" I asked when I saw him pinching the bridge of the nose.

"Someone attacked and took away that boy of yours. He has been shot." As soon as he said that I experienced powerlessness for the first time.

My leg gave away and I stumbled down. I would have hit the ground had it not been for my dad.

"Alisha. He is fine. Just shot in the leg." My dad said but his voice was fuzzy somewhere in the back of my head.

"We need to get him back alive," I begged him and he nodded fervently to calm me down.

"I need him alive dad." I didn't even realise I was crying hard.

"We will get him back." My dad repeated the words stroking my head in a consoling manner.

"I need him," I said it more like a thought to myself.

He will be safe as long as I am protecting him. The words of that future seeing dude echoed in my head and I picked up a gun which I left at home before running. Dad didn't stop me because he must have seen my hopelessness turn into pure vengeance.


Our gang's doctor accompanied to the scene. We still didn't know the reason behind the whole kidnapping Mel deal but they just messed with the wrong deal. I killed bloody assassins for this guy, I was going to send these filthy people to hell.

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