| chapter - 19 |

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"We were attacked." I marched towards Mel as soon as I arrived at the party.

I have no idea how but she managed to invite really sophisticated and top notch people. It was kind of scary and funny watching my dad talking to a head of Police Force.

Mel brows furrowed at my words.

"I swear it was not me. I will not harm my son." She said rather dryly.

"Not your son, just his replica. He still remains Queen's son." I reminded her with a certain level of frustration.

For a moment her eyes blazed with anger I think but then she was back to normal.

"Who attacked?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Some black ninja kind of things that vanished into thin air and was killed only by fire." I gave her a basic explanation.

She sighed and bit her lower lips looking really annoyed.

"Not again! I will handle this." With this, she hurried off in other direction.

"Care to dance?" Elias came from behind me and I realised that he was still waiting for me.

"You want to dance?" I laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

"I am stuck in some other time, have been attacked twice since I came here, I have seen someone similar to Agnes and Sir Kirk here but right now I am just stressed about every guy in the room looking at you." He said too seriously.

I just looked at him too shocked to reply.

"Now can we dance? I have questions." He said and I had a deja vu.

He said something similar when we first danced.

I felt sigh in relief as he pulled me closer to dance. It was like all my worries drifted and it was only him and me.

"Who are you?" He asked the question I could answer just now.

"I will only say the truth or else I will just not answer, okay?" I offered him a deal.

"Agreed." He said immediately.

"I am Alisha." I answered and then with courage and wild beating heart I said, "And I am not a princess."

I waited for him to react feeling slightly nauseous.

"You are not Norgivian either, right?"He asked scary calm right now.

I shook my head in a no.

"From which time are you?" He asked in a careful tone.

I decided to keep silent.

"Why have you been deceiving me?" Anger penetrated into his words.

"Because I had no other choice and I was scared." I simply out most of my feelings in words.

His gaze softened and he sighed conveying his helplessness.

"When are you going to tell me the whole truth?" He asked patiently I might add.

Now, I want to tell you all from the beginning but it is the fear of losing you that is keeping me quiet.

I have doubled deceived him, first as the Princess and second as his bodyguard and not counting the fact that I was from a different time.

But I have to tell him someday.

"Soon," I said still scared about the whole deal.

"Will it help if I said I love you?" He confessed casually yet the deepness of his voice sent tremors in my heart.

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