| chapter - 7 |

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Well obviously I was sleeping when Prince returned from the ball. My main aim was to keep an eye on Agnes since she seemed my only relation to future right now or I could just wake up from a really long bad dream.

"I almost died because you were not there." He complained as soon as he saw me.

"But you are alive and well," I said in a bored tone.

"A princess saved me." He said a little shocked at the situation.

Chauvinist much?

"So does it hurt your ego, your highness?" This made him chuckle.

"Not really. It was just that she was really beautiful."

"And all the others you met at the ball." He was definitely a playboy and I should not be swayed by his words.

Subconsciously he started changing clothes talking about the girl, I mean me.

"So what was her name?" I was enjoying this a little.

"She wouldn't tell." Suddenly he turned to look at me with a look in his eyes that said he had an idea.

"We need to find her. We know her Kingdom, where else she could be?"

"Excuse me, who is we?"

"You and I, she challenged me and I will find her." He looked all excited over this treasure hunt kind of thing.

"Listen, your highness, you have duties to fulfil. We can't just leave the palace." I tried to put some reason in his head.

"You are right, Then what else can we do?" At least he accepted he had duties.

"Attack the place and take over." I offered an idea half-heartedly.

"She will hate me forever." He was talking about me in third person which felt weird.

"Then you also arrange a ball like in Cinderella."

"Like in what?" He asked with a frown.

"Just a story, you could have a ball and invite princess from all over."

"My father will never listen to me." I knew that much that is why suggested the idea.

"So forget about her," I said those words but I felt a little sad as i said them.

He thought for a moment

"No, I don't think I could do that." He sounded hopeless and I felt my heart flutter for some reason.

"Okay, we can have a Tournament and call all minor kingdoms. My father thinks I am bad with weapons and he will allow this since this will show my weakness. Not only I can make a mark in front of other kingdoms, I can lure her here."

This sounded dangerous.

"How is that?"

"Well, she said her father is a warrior himself and she fights as well. I can invite the father and then send an invitation to their family as well."

"She has not shown herself till now. Why do you think she will come now?"

I sighed mentally when this put him jeopardy.

And then he smirked scaring me a bit.

"Because I will put a wedding rumour as well so most of the Kings come with their daughter." Damn, that was wise.

I will be caught or not caught since that Princess doesn't exist.


Next day I was again in the library since Elias and Norman were out to personally check the market area and what needed to be changed. Usually, these two made a lot of secret trips to ministers and soldiers. He was constantly trying to plan and improve but I was worried that Norman might be after all his father's son.

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