Chapter 1

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Tetsuya Kuroko was an excellent passer on Seirin's basketball team. That was until his parents forced him to move schools. He was now in his second year of highschool and he had been transferred to a school whose teams were dubbed 'the flightless crows'.

Kuroko walked to the school that morning alone. He hated that he wouldn't see Kagami or Aomine or Kise anymore. Actually not seeing Kise isn't that terrible. Kuroko also hated that he was coming to a school of which had probably heard of Seirin or Taeko (being they were big schools that were in big cities like Tokyo). Hopefully his day wouldnt be too awful.

Kuroko entered class-A and sat in a seat that was in the back. He laid his head down. He heard no whispers of classmates, probably due to his lack of being noticed, until another kid came up to his desk.

"Hi, you must be new! Im Hinata Shouyo!" The boy said. Kuroko scanned over him. He had fiery orange hair that was wild and messy and brown eyes. Kuroko sighed.

"Tetsuya Kuroko," He responded blankly. Hinata gasped.

"Aren't you the guy that does the amazing passes at Seirin?" He asked. Kuroko nodded.

" Dumbass, quit annoying new people," A taller boy with dark hair said, hitting Hinata in the baxk of his head.

"Ow! Kageyama!" He whined. "Bye!" Hinata was pulled away.

· · ·

Kuroko made his way onto the roof. He had no bento, so he just sat there looking up at the sky. It was a light blue and clouds were scattered about it. It was peaceful. He wished he could stay out there all day. Kuroko, being so unnoticed that he was, probably could stay up there. However he got up, and headed back down to his classroom.

· · ·

"Kuroko-san!" Hinata shouted running down the hall after Kuroko. Kuroko felt the small energetic boy rush past and in front of him. He looked up. "Kuroko-san, do you want to go to the gym?" Hinata asked. Kuroko didn't have any time to answer before he was pulled away by his surprisingly strong classmate.

When they got to the gym, Hinata got one of the coaches to let the basketball hoop down on one side of the court so that Kuroko could play. Kuroko only dribbled the ball because he couldnt shoot hoops worth shit.

"Did you make a new friend Hinata?" One of the new coaches asked. Hinata nodded, but Kageyama shook his head in disagreement.

"That kid doesn't even seem to have any emotions, much less a freindship with Hinata," Kageyama replied.

"But Kuroko-san seems to like me he followed me here!" Hinata argued.

"You dragged him here. He had no choice,"Kageyama stated.

"Hinata...." The coach sighed.

"Sugawara senpaii...." Hinata whined.

"Speaking of Kuroko-kun, where is he?" Sugawara asked. Hinata looked over towards the hoops. He went to the other coach.

"Daichi senpaii, did you see Kuroko-san leave?"  Hinata asked the dark haired coach. Daichi shook his head as he continued to set up the net.

"Well, I guess I'll see him tomarrow." Hinata sighed, going to get changed.

· · ·

Kuroko started to walk home when he got a phone call. It was from Kise.

"Hello?" Kuroko asked as he brought his phone up to his ear.

"Kuroko-chii! How was the first day?" Kise answered.

"It was fine, I mean probably because you weren't here."

"Oh- you wound me Kuroko-chii," Kise whined. "Ah well I have to travel out there in a couple of days."

"Woo." Kuroko cheered sarcastically. "Well, I have to go."

"Be careful, Kuroko-chii! Goodbye!" Kise said as he hung up. Now it was off to hell, but kuroko continued the path anyway

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