Chapter 7

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It was around 8 o'clock in the morning. Kuroko was shocked. He got out of the hospital bed and approached his visitor.

"Kuroko-san? Are you okay?" Hinata asked.

"Hinata-kun?" Kuroko looked at him. He felt his face heat up.

"Why are you blushing?" Hinata asked. Kuroko turned away. Hinata grabbed his wrist and Kuroko winced. Hinata let go of his wrist and said, "Are you alright? Im sorry!"

"Im fine, Hinata-kun," Kuroko paused. "Why arent you in school?"

"I heard you and senpaii were in the hospital, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He replied.

"Why me?" Kuroko asked. Hinata looked confused for a little while before he answered.

"Well, I-I like you. You're cool and we're friends remember?" Hinatas smile was bright.

"I like you too..." Kuroko let his voice trail off. Hinata's eyes widened.

"R-Really?!?" Hinata asked, grabbing his hands and holding them.

"Mhm." Kuroko blushed, turning his face a deeper red.

"Kuroko-san..." Hinata looked down. Kuroko shifted his glance back to Hinata. The redhead looked as if he was struggling with his words. "W-will you g-go out with me?" Kuroko looked at the flustered boy.

"Yes." Hinata jumped onto Kuroko and pulled him into a hug. That was a lot of energy coming towards the small boy.

"Thank you... I love you!" Hinata hugged him. Kuroko held his hand.

"Hinata..." Kuroko paused. "You need to go to school, now." He looked over to the blonde. "And so do you, idiot." Kuroko said, hitting Kise in the chest.

"Ah Kuroko-chii you wound me-AHH!" Kise said as he was pushed off the bed. "KUROKO-CHII"

"Go to school Kise-kun." Kuroko told him. Hinata stood next to him. His hand slipped into Kuroko's and Kuroko became flustered.

"Kise-san, do you know where Sugawara-senpaii is?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, Ill show you on my way out." Kise said grabbing his bookbag. Kuroko grabbed his jacket, which was tied with a lot of stuff in it, and his phone and followed them.

"Where are you going, Tetsuya-san?" Hinata asked. Kuroko blushed slightly.

"Im going to see Sugawara-san. We're leaving today, Shouyo." Kuroko replied, Intertwining their fingers.

"How come he's calling you Tetsuya, Kuroko-chii?" Kise asked not looking back at the blue one. "Who is he anyway?"

"Kise-kun, he's my boyfriend."

"Oh congratulatio- waiT WHAT?" Kise asked, turning around. He looked at them both.

"Haha... Im Hinata!" Hinata laughed at him nervously.

"Hinata-kun. Ok. I get it now." Kise smiled at him. "Well, we're here. Also Youre both short as hell."

"H-h-hey!" Hinata stammered.

"Kise leave."

"Alright. Bye!" Kise ran to the elevator as it let people off. Kuroko knocked on the hospital door. They heard shuffling and were greeted by Daichi.

"Hinata?" He asked. "You should be at school."

"I wanted to check on Sugawara senpaii!" Hinata defended himself.

"Im fine Hinata, thank you for asking." Sugawara walked behind Daichi, putting a hand on his shoulder. Hinata looked at him.

"Well what about your foot?" Hinata looked down.

"I broke it." Sugawara replied. "But I'll be fine."

"How are you going to coach?" Hinata inquired.

"I'll help the managers. Since Yachi-kun had an oppurtunity to go to a school in Tokyo, we'll be in need of a manger for next year. Hopefully somebody will sign up." Sugawara told him. "Now, if you want to practice this afternoon you need to go to school now that you have checked up on me."

"Okay! See you at practice!" Hinata walked off and Kuroko pulled him away for a minute.

"I love you Tetsuya." Hinata said, smiling.

"I love you Shouyo," Kuroko replied and kissed his forehead. "Have a good day at school."

"I will! Please be at practice this afternoon." And with that they departed. Kuroko walked back to the room.

"Hey Kuroko, how are you feeling?" Sugawara asked, raising himself back up.

"I feel fine, how about you?" Kuroko asked.

"Im well. May i ask why you ran off?"

"I apologize." He bowed. "I had to talk to Hinata-kun really quickly."

"Oh alright. Well I dont exactly know if I can coach today, so Kuroko and I can stay home." Sugawara said. Daichi nodded.

"But I want to go to the practice, Daichi-san." Kuroko said.

"Why? You dont play volleyball do you?"

"Can I become a manager?" Kuroko asked. "Since there is no basketball club here at Karasuno, I want to join the volleyball club as a manager."

"Dai, He could take up after Kiyoko-kun." Sugawara suggested. "She'll graduate this year."

"True... well, you can come with me." Daichi paused.  "Are you absolutely sure you wont be able to coach? I mean you could help Kuroko..."

"The only thing i meant was that I cant move around as much. I can sit with Kuroko and Kiyoko-kun." Sugawara told him.

"Yeah. Well it's one o'clock we should sign out." Daichi said. Kuroko nodded.

· · ·

Daichi helped Sugawara into the gym. Kuroko followed behind them. They were the first ones there, as always ao they could unlock the gym. They were on their normal routine and Kuroko was learning. He still wasnt all that comfortable with the father thing. His thoughts were interupted.

"Dumbass! You cant skip class!" Kageyama yelled.

"H-hey that hurts! Bakeyama quit! I was checking on Suga-senpaii" Hinata yelled back. They came into sight.

"Well, youre not getting my notes." Kageyama said and Hinata shrugged.

"I'll get them from someone else!"

"Hey, Hinata-kun."

"WhAT THE FUCK" Kageyama jumped back.

"Kageyama..." Sugawara scolded him from the doorway.

"Sorry Sugawara-senpaii," Kageyama replied. "What happened to your foot?"

"I broke it." Sugawara replied.


"Thats not important. Go get changed." Sugawara replied while the taller boy walked past him.

"Tetsuya-san, why are you in a Karasuno jacket?"

"Im going to become a manager."

"No messing with Kiyoko san, she's ours!" Tanaka and Nishinoya said giving him menacing expressions.

"Im not owned by anyone." Kiyoko walked by them. "And call me Shimizu."

"Shimizu senpaii noticed us!"

"Hinata-kun why are you calling him Tetsuya? Are you two... dating?" Sugawara asked. Hinata mentally cursed.

"Yeah..." Hinata answered. Kuroko looked at his feet and smiled. He knew this would be a good practice.

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