Chapter 3

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Hinata ran toward the gym after practice. He noticed some guys hiding along the school building and stopped. One was tall with vibrant purple hair, there was a tall one with green hair and tape around his fingers, another one that was tanner than all the rest with dark blue hair, a tall one with red hair, a shorter one with red hair and the tall one with yellow hair. They all had a muscular build. He knew the last one from somewhere, but where? The roof. It was him- The model with sun yellow hair, the basketball player moving to Karasuno. Kuroko's friend. He forgot what he was going to the gym for so he just stared at Kuroko's buddy. Kuroko. You need to tell Sugawara senpaii about Kuroko. He snapped back and ran into the gymnasium.

"Sugawara-senpaii! Sugawara- Senpaii~" He shouted. Sugawara ran over to him with a puzzled expression.

"What is it?" Sugawara asked. Hinata pulled him over to the side.

"I need to talk to you," Hinata said. "Its about Kuroko-san." Sugawara nodded for him to go on. "He's being hurt at home, suga! I overheard him and his friend talking."

"What did they say?" He asked, noding toward daichi to start practice.

"The guy with yellow hair asked Kuroko-kun about his life at home. Kuroko replied to him that it was harsh. He then asked if they were still hurting him and kuroko refused to answer. Then the guy said he knew his parents werent feeding him and said he was going to buy him food." Hinata said. "Im worried about him."

"I'll talk to him Hinata, Is there anything else?" Sugawara asked. Hinata shook his head. He ran too practice with the others when Sugawara heard voices outside.

"Kuroko-chii look who i brought!" A voice shouted when he arrived at the gym door. He saw the light blue headed boy cover his mouth.

"Kuro-chin!" The purple one exclaimed.

"Ay dumbass, how are you?" Sounded familier, but it wasnt Kageyama saying it this time.

"Kuroko have you been keeping up with your fortune?" The green one asked.

"Heh... How have you been, Kuroko?" The small red one asked.

"How have the ladies been Kuroko?" The dark blue haired one asked.

"Everyone-" Kuroko was near into tears.

"And look who we brought!" The purple headed one said. He held up a small puppy in his arms. One of his wrists had a cast on it. Kuroko took the puppy into his arms. He wasnt allowed to take the pup with him so Kuroko had left him with his friends.

"Hows your wrist Murasakibara-kun?" Kuroko asked putting the puppy down and walking to the tallest one who had somehow gotten potato chips.

"Its fine," The purple one said. So his name is Murasakibara.

"Aomine-kun," Kuroko said as he fistbumped the tan one.

"Missed you, Kuroko." That was Aomine.

"Akashi how have you been?" Kuroko asked walking to the shorter red haired one.

"Ive been good." He told him.  Akashi.

"Shintarou, how about you?" Kuroko walked over to the taller one with glasses and green hair.

"Ive been perfect." He replied. Green glasses is Shintarou.

"Hey, Kuroko c'mere, Its like you waited to talk to me last"

"No, youre just at the end of the line, Kagami." Kuroko replied as he hugged him.

"Group hug!" Kise yelled as they all went over and hugged Kuroko. Kuroko was crying. But this time it wasn't tears of sadness but tears of joy instead.

"Uh, sorry to interupt bt can i see Kuroko-kun for a minute?" Sugawara asked.

"Uh, sure." Kise replied wuith an confused look on his face. Kuroko walked into the gym.

Hinata stopped in the middle of the court. Sugawara got him. Kuroko looked at him and he turned away.

"Kuroko, are you being abused or hurt in any way at home?" Sugawara asked. Kuroko shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"Who told you this?" Kuroko said.

"Hinata-kun." Sugawara said.

"The hell does he know!?"  Kuroko raised his voice slightly. Sugawara put a hand on the boys shoulder.

"Hinata overheard a conversation on the roof at lunch. He was just worried about you." He told Kuroko. Kuroko stared at Hinata with a irratated expression.

"What're you going to do? Tell my parents?" He asked.

"I would believe it would be best to confront your parents or someone of higher athority." Sugawara said.

"Well you talked to me. Can i leave now?" He asked. Sugawara nodded.

· · ·

After the others had left, Kuroko made his way into the gym. Hinata looked over at him and eventually, he ran over.

"Look Kuroko, I wasnt trying to upset yo-"

"Its fine Hinata." Kuroko replied.

"Really?" Hinata asked. Kuroko nodded. "You must have to go, Its getting pretty late." Kurok sighed. Hinata started to walk away but Kuroko grabbed his sleeve.

"Meet me on the roof at lunch tomarrow, I wanna talk."

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