Chapter 9

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It was about a week after when Kuroko got to go to Hinata's. They had grown much closer in that time. They walked home after practice hand in hand.

"So my mother should be cooking and Natsu will be running around so watch out." Hinata told him. The door opened

"Shou! Shou! Is this Kuro-san?" Natsu jumped around.

"This is Kuroko-san, Natsu," Hinata said. "Not Kuroo."

"Nice to meet you." Kuroko bowed.

"Nice to meet you, Kuroko-kun. Im Hinata's mom." The older woman said.

"Hi mom!" Hinata hugged her.

"Why dont we have dinner." His mom said. Hinata took their stuff to his room. They had dinner and talked.

"So, Ive heard a lot about you, Kuroko-kun." The mother said.

"Shou loves you a lot!" Natsu smiled.

"Shouyo tells me that you came from Tokyo."

"Yes." Kuroko replied. "Seirin Highschool."

"Why did you move here?"

"My parents."

"Oh..." She paused. "Also, You were the minor they mentioned on the news with Sugawara, right?"

"Yes. Im fine. I was adopted."

"You were?" Hinata interjected. "Is that why you walk with Sugawara-senpaii? Did he and Dai-senpaii adopt you?"

"Yes." Kuroko replied.

"That makes sense." Hinata replied. The rest of the time they talked was just filled with Natsu prattling on about her lion and their mom embarassing Hinata by telling stories. After they ate, Natsu was put to bed and Kuroko and Hinata got quick ahowers. After Hinata got in, Kuroko sat on the bed with a towel over his head. Hinata soon came out rubbing his head with a towel.

"You tired?" Hinata asked, sitting down next to him rubbing the blue one's hair with the cloth.

"No." Kuroko replied. "Are you?"

"No." Hinata got up and put the towels away. "What do you want to do?" He sat back down on the bed.

"... Can we cuddle?" Kuroko asked. Hinata blushed.

"If you want." Hinata replied.

"I do, thats why I asked." Hinata giggled at the smart-ass comment. He lied down beside Kuroko. There wasnt much room between them. Kuroko had his head propped on the smaller boy's chest and they leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you Shouyo." Kuroko said, kissing his neck lightly.

"I-I love you too Tetsuya." Hinata told him, bringing Kuroko's chin back up, which led to a full blown make out session. They pulled away only to catch their breath. Kuroko's hands snaked down the smaller one's figure until they were around his waist.

"You're warm." Hinata giggled and nudged his head into the crook of Kuroko's neck. Kuroko smiled. Hinata hugged Kuroko tightly.

"This is nice." Kuroko said. He kissed Hinata's nose. He giggled again. Kuroko snuggled him and pulled him close.

"I love you." Hinata said.

"I love you too." Kuroko replied. They kissed again, but thats when Natsu came in.

"Shou do you know where- What are you doing?" She tilted her head. Hinata raised up.

"What do you need Natsu?" He got out of the bed and ran over to his sister.

"Leo. I cant find Leo!"  Natsu told him. Hinata looked around.

"I dont know where he is, Natsu." He said.

"I cant sleep without him!" She whined.

"Well," He paused. He grabbed a little stuffed cat that Kenma had given him a while back. "Why dont you sleep with my stuffed cat?"

"Really, Shou?" Her face lit up and she hugged the cat. "Thank you!" She closed the door.

"That was nice of you." Kuroko said as he got up. He walked over to Hinata and wrapped his arms around him.

"Mm," Hinata hummed in response. "Wow, Its only six?" He smiled. Kuroko lay his head on Hinata's shoulder. "You wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure." He let go of Hinata and picked up his jacket. It was of a different school, but it was still a jacket. Sugawara ordered Kuroko a club jacket but it hadnt came in yet. Hinata grabbed his black jacket and a bag of his and took Kuroko's hand. He left a note in the kitchen and opened the door.

"Kageyama? What are you doing at my house?"

"You left your shit at school. Here." Kageyama gave him his notebook. "Why is Kuroko-san here?"

"He's spending the weekend here." Hinata said.


"Because. I wanted him to come over." Hinata told him. "Now go home."

"Goodbye, Dumbass." Kageyama rolled his eyes and rode off on his bike. Hinata put the notebook by the door and they walked down the street. Hinata lived in a pretty empty neighborhood. They held hands and walked to a small park at the end of the road. There were a couple courts including volleyball and basketball. Hinata smiled.

"It will get dark soon but do you want to play?" Hinata asked. Hinata took out a volleyball. Kuroko took it from him. He dribbled it a little and shot the ball. It went in and he monotonely cheered. "That was awesome!"

"Mm. You do something." He threw the ball to Hinata. The fluff recieved it but it went up too high and hit him in the head. "Great job." Kuroko remarked sarcastically.

"Hush." Hinata pouted, chasing after the volleyball. "You want me to teach you?"

"Sure." Kuroko replied. Hinata taught him how to serve, recieve, and spike. Kuroko was really good at recieving and passing.

"You serve and I'll recieve. Then I'll pass it to you and you recieve." Hinata told him. Kuroko nodded. He served and Hinata recieved, then Kuroko, then Hinata and so on. Lastly Hinata spiked the ball. A fiery passion lit up in his eyes. "That was great! We should show Sugawara-senpaii and Daichi-senpaii!" Kuroko nodded. "Well its getting dark so do you want to head home?"

"Okay." Kuroko kissed his forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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