Chapter 8

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Kuroko and Shimizu sat with Sugawara. Kuroko talked with Shimizu about being manager and she started teaching him. They would occasionally talk on other subjects and Sugawara told stories from when he was a first-year. During breaks Hinata ran and sat with Kuroko and told him about volleyball. Kuroko was introduced to everyone as well. He felt welcomed, like he was at Teiko. The practice ended and everyone said their goodbyes. Hinata was the only one in the gym besides Daichi, Sugawara and Kuroko. Daichi and Sugawara were putting up some stuff, well more like only Daichi was. Hinata and Kuroko held hands and sat together.

"Did I do good, Tetsuya-san?" Hinata asked, his smile beaming. Kuroko amiled.

"You were amazing, Shouyo." Kuroko told him.

"I can teach you if you want! Maybe you could teach me basketball!" Hinata exclaimed. Kuroko chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, sure." He replied and squeezed Hinata's hand. The ball of fluff lied his head on the azure headed one's shoulder. Sugawara watched them from the other side of the bench while he organized some papers from earlier today.

"Do you like volleyball?" Hinata asked. Kuroko nodded.

"I do... No offense but I'd rather play basketball," Kuroko replied. "Like i did when i was in Tokyo."

"Oh something just hit me! Kenma-san lives in Tokyo! He plays on Nekoma!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Wow. Ive heard that they're good at what they do."

"They are, but we're getting better!"

"Have you ever played with them?"

"Yeah! Kenma-san and Kuroo-san invited us! Also we played with them at a practice camp.." Hinata told him.

"Ah." Kuroko let his head rest on the ginger's.

"What about basketball?"

"Eh? What about it?" Kuroko asked him, slightly confused.

"Tell me something about when you played basketball!" Hinata said.

"Well, I got hit in the face once and had to get wrapped up during a game with Kise-kun." He stared off. "And we won the winter-cup."

"Awesome! Well, not about you getting hit in the face and all... If it makes you feel better, I get hit in the face a lot." Hinata laughed.

"We've got to close up the gym, guys-" Sugawara was interupted.

"Dont close it up just yet!" A guy with a bigger build ,who was wearing his hair in a bun, said. "I tried to get here earlier but the train was delayed."

"I havent seen you since graduation, Asahi. How have you been?" Sugawara asked.

"I've been trying to get here before you close the gym but most of the time youve already left when I get here." Asahi replied.

"Why dont you text us next time so we can keep the club from last year here?" Daichi said, locking up the supplies. "Right now its just us, Hinata and Kuroko."

"Hi Asahi-san!" Hinata raised up slightly and waved.

"Hello. Im Kuroko." Kuroko waved from his awkward position leaning on Hinata.

"Weren't you in basketball?" Asahi asked. "Congrats on winning the winter cup."

"T-thank you." Kuroko smiled. "I was in basketball... but now i go to school here."

"Oh." Asahi looked down.

"Im becoming a manager for the volleyball club." Kuroko replied.

"Well, welcome to Karasuno." Asahi replied.

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