Chapter 6

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Kise had lie down beside Kuroko, letting Kuroko prop himself on him. Kuroko had his head on Kise's chest and his right arm over his waist. Then he rolled over. Kise was texting the others until he heard Kuroko start crying.

"Kuroko?" He asked. Kuroko had started sobbing. Kise turned the smaller one over and woke him up. "Kuroko are you, okay?" Kuroko looked up to him. He hugged onto him again.

"I-I think it was just a n-nightmare." The boy choked out. Kise hugged him and pulled him into his chest. Kuroko wiped his eyes.

"Do you want to call someone to talk to?" Kise asked.

"M-maybe Kagami-kun..." Kuroko said. Kise held his phone up to his ear.

"Hey, Kuroko-chii wanted to talk to you." Kise said as he gave the phone to Kuroko.

· · ·

Kagami leaned against the side of the train. "Hey Kuroko," He said. "How're you doing?"

"Fine." A raspy, small voice said.

"I'm on the train with Aomine and Murasakibara-kun. And we're really close. We actually are the only ones in this car."

"Wow-" Kuroko replied. "Im the only one in the room with Kise... help me." Kagami laughed. Murasakibara got our of the seat and walked to Kagami.

"Can I talk to Kuro-chin?" He asked.

"Murasakibara wants to talk to you." Kagami told Kuroko before he handed the phone to the tall purple haired boy.

"Murasakibara-kun... How are you?" Kuroko asked.

"Im good." Murasakibara said. "How are you?"

"Im in the hospital." Kuroko replied.

"Whats wrong? I mean, you sound like you've been crying." Murasakibara said.

"I-I have been. Its nothing though." Kuroko replied.

"Well what happened?" Murasakibara asked.

"I have to go. See you soon." Kuroko said as he hung up.

· · ·

Kuroko put down the phone and curled up into Kise's chest. Kise looked at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Kuroko nodded. Kise stroked his hair.

"Where'd they go?" Kuroko asked.

"The gay ones?" Kise asked. "Sugawara-san and Daichi-san?" Kuroko nodded.

"What is gay?" Kuroko mumbled.

"Uh, Gay is when you like the same sex." Kise said, caught off gaurd a little bit.

"What if you like both?" Kuroko asked.

"Then you're Bi."

"Kise what are you?"

"Why did you suddenly start asking about sexuality?" Kise asked.

"Because." Kuroko looked at him. He had a dead expression on his face. It was that dead expression that he always had.

"Im bi, now what are you?" Kise asked. Kuroko looked away.

"I dont know." He replied, rolling onto his back.

"Do you have anyone you have or had feelings for?"


"What are they?"


"Not what i meant. I mean what is their sex."

"He's a guy."

"Do you have intrest in girls?"

"No.. I dont think so.." Kuroko replied.

"Then I think you're gay." Kise said.

"Its just... theres this boy in my classes. He's really fucking cute. He said he's gay." Kuroko told him.

"Who is he?"  Kise inquired. "Whats his name?"

"Shouyo Hinata-kun."

· · ·

After about an hour, most of them had arrived in Miyagi. Kise texted them directions to the hospital. They arrived within minutes. They asked questions and hugged him and cheered him up. For some odd reason, Kuroko felt different. He didnt want his freinds? No. He was getting tired of them. The sky blue haired boy got himself to fall asleep. Kuroko wanted them to leave, but he was upset when they left him before. What was happening?

All he remembered was waking up. Kise was holding him in his lap. Everyone else was gone. Thats when he came in.

Give Me Hope (2016)Where stories live. Discover now