Chapter 5

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They had just arrived at the hospital. Kuroko was let out first and a wheelchair put down for Sugawara. He sat down in it and they rolled him out of the ambulance. Daichi and Kise were at the door of the hospital.

"Excuse me, may I roll the wheelchair. I want to talk to my boyfriend." Daichi asked.

"Okay, but follow us." The EMT said as Daichi took the wheelchair.

"Will do." Daichi replied. Kuroko walked right behind. Kise tagged along and let Kuroko hold onto his arm. They x-rayed Sugawara's foot and put it into a cast. He had a fractured ankle. He was free to go, but followed them to Kuroko's room. Room 228.

"Are you okay, Sugawara-san?" Kuroko asked. He had a scratch that stretched from the top of his nose to right side of his jaw. Sugawara nodded, as Daichi pushed him into the room.

"So this is Sugawara-san?" Kise asked. "I hardly remember him, forgive me." Kuroko nodded.

"Yeah, He's the one that saved me." He said. His voice had almost gave out. "Sugawara, Thank you."

"I want to know what gave you the idea to climb into his window." Kise said.

"You climbed into a house you heard a scream from? What kind of idiot are you?" Daichi asked, chuckling a bit.

"Haha, but I do admit, it wasnt the best idea ever. Im glad I got Kuroko out of there." Sugawara smiled his motherly smile. "Speaking of Kuroko..." Sugawara had six eyes on him. He handed Daichi the papers.

"What is this?" He shuffled through the papers. "Oh..." Daichi sighed and gave a fatherly smile. "Suga..."

"Please Dai." He begged.

"I didnt say no," Daichi replied. "What exactly do I have to sign?" Sugawara pointed at the spot on the last page. "Is that it?" Sugawara nodded and smiled.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Kise asked.

"We're adopting him." Sugawara smiled. Kuroko looked down slightly.

"Oh, real-"

"What time is it?" Kuroko cut him off.

"You cant wait for them to get here can you?" Kise asked.

"Who?" Sugawara asked.

"Friends." Kuroko said. "When they get here, could we all be alone?"

"Oh, sure." Sugawara said.

"10:18. We have two hours, maybe you should rest." Kise suggested. Kuroko nodded. He turned over on his left side, so he didnt lay on his sprained wrist. Within about five minutes Kuroko had fallen asleep.

"Thank you," Kise said, looking over at Sugawara. "For saving Kuroko-chii."

"Its no problem." Sugawara replied. Kise looked over to Kuroko and smiled.

"I'm so glad he's out of there. I-I'm so glad they were arrested. I didnt want them hurting Kuroko anymore than they already had." Kise said.

"Hinata-kun was worried, too." Sugawara replied. "He told me about what he heard. I just didnt know it was that bad."

"Hinata told you about Kuroko-kun?" Daichi asked. Sugawara nodded.

"Maybe you should call to say I cant come in tomarrow and that Kuroko cant come to the school?" Sugawara asked. Daichi nodded.

"Maybe tell Hinata that Kuroko cant come and get him to tell their teachers?" Sugawara asked.

"Yeah I think that would be the best bet." Daichi said. "Do you have his phone number?"


"Do you have the time?" Kise asked. Their eyes shot over at him.

"Uh.." Sugawara unlocked his phone. "Ten fifty-eight."

"Thank you." Kise sat on the bed and grabbed his phone from his back pocket. He started texting the others.

"So do you want me to text Hinata?" Sugawara asked. "Its too late to call." Daichi nodded.

Sugawara: Hinata are you up?

Hinata: Yeah wats up

Sugawara: Didnt you say all of your classes you shared with Kuroko?

Hinata: Yeah Y

Sugawara: I need you to tell the teachers that he wont be here. I wont be there tomarrow either.

Hinata: Are you guys sick? And how u know abt Kuroko?

Sugawara: Because I'm in the hospital with him

Hinata: OMG What happened????

Sugawara: We got into a little problem. Well, I climbed in his house and we were put in a dangerous situation. He has a sprained wrist. I'd let you talk to him, but he is sleeping.

Hinata: Omg thats terrible Im sorry. Well I gtg to sleep now ttyl XDXD

Sugawara: Good night Hinata.

Sugawara looked over at Daichi. "Dai, didnt they offer us a room?" Daichi nodded. "Do you think we could go to it now? Cause Kuroko-kun's freinds will be here soon."

"Sure. Kise-kun, dont let anything happen to Kuroko, okay?" Daichi told him. Kise nodded as they left.

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