Chapter 2

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Hinata waited at the front school doors for Kuroko. He got strange looks from people who walked through the doorway. He messed with his gakuran's jacket while he waited. Girls in their uniforms passed by him and he waved. In fact Shimizu Kyouko, the prettiest third year in their school, stopped to talk to him. Other boys envied Hinata since he was able to talk to her.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for someone, Shimizu." He replied. Shimizu tugged at her red ribbon.

"Is it that blue haired kid that you're waiting for?" She asked. He nodded. "I have to go Hinata-kun, goodbye!" She waved and walked away, meeting with Hitoka halfway.

Kuroko came into the school as Tsukkishima and Hinata were talking. He tried his best to avoid everyone but ended up bumping into Hinata after he had ran after Kuroko.

"Watch where you're going!" Kuroko irritatedly stated. Everyone looked in his direction. Damn, he sounded angry.

"Kuroko-san!" Hinata was taken back. "You don't have to get mad about it, I'm sorry!" Kuroko huffed and waked toward class-a. Hinata jogged after him.

"What do you want?" Kuroko asked. You could find a trace of anger and fear in his voice. Most of all, he sounded annoyed.

"Aah- I just wanted to ask why you left so early yesterday- I didnt mean to upset you," Hinata nervously chuckled and waved his hands slightly.

"Hinata-kun, stop messing with Kuroko-kun, you'll never make friends this way!" A voice called from behind him. It was Sugawara.

"Sugawara-senpaii!!" Hinata turned, surprised. "What are you-"

"Who are you?" Kuroko interupted.

"Oh, I'm Koushi Sugawara, Nice to meet you, Kuroko-kun" He replied. Hinata looked at him.

"What are you here-" Hinata started as Kuroko interupted him again.

"And how exactly do you know me?" Kuroko asked. Sugawara pointed towards Hinata and smiled slightly.

"Why are you here, Suga-senpaii?" Hinata said quickly, hoping not to be interupted. "Shouldn't you be at the college?"

"Ah, Im supposed to help introduce the volleyball club since I'm a coach remember? Daichi will be late, sadly." Sugawara replied. Kuroko had dissapeared. Hinata looked around for him, however he wasn't in sight. Then the bell rang.

"I have to get to class, Sugawara-senpaii, See you at the club invatational later!" Hinata rushed off and waved.

· · ·

At lunch time, Kuroko sat on the rooftop again. He had only a bottle of water and some chips but it was better than nothing and of course he bought it with his own money. He watched the birds fly around in the sky. However Kuroko didnt hear the door open behind him.

"Kuroko-chii, how did i know you were up here?" A voice called out from behind him. It startled Kuroko to where he didnt want to turn around. He did though and to his surprise, Ryota Kise looked back at him with a comforting smile.

"K-kise-kun?" Kuroko asked. Kise smiled.

"How are you Kuroko?" Kise asked. Kuroko smiled.

"Fine," Kise let his smile fade somewhat.

"Hows your life at home? Are you still getting-"

"Shhh, not so loud..." Kuroko looked down. Kise slid right next to him.

"Kuroko-chii, You know you can talk to-"

"No, I cant! Thats why i had to move, Kise-kun. Id rather not have to move away again!" He shouted. Kise tilted his head with his lips pursed.

"But your parents dont have to know we talk about that. They dont even have to know im movin-" Kise stopped himself.

"What?" Kuroko asked. Kise muttered under his breath and laughed nervously.

"Haha, I guess i let the cat out of the bag- Im moving here, Im coming to Karasuno next week!" Kise smiled. Kuroko didnt know how to react.

"What the hell?" He asked. Not the best way to respond to your friend moving to your town.


"Sorry." Kuroko looked at him and slightly smiled. It looked like it hurt him to smile.

"So whats happe-"

"Its harsh... Kise-kun... Y'know home and all.." Kuroko answered his earlier question.

"Ah, I apologize, So they're still... hurting... you?"

"Can we stop talking about this?"

"Sure." Kise looked down. He knew that meant yes. After a while the blue haired one spoke.

"So why are you moving here?" He asked.


"Ah..." Kuroko sighed and got himself up. Kise got up with him and took out some yen.

"Hey you want something quick to eat?" Kise asked. Kuroko shook his head. "Too bad," Kise replied. "I already know they dont feed you. Im buying you something before i leave."

Hinata ran down the stairs from the roof. He had to tell Sugawara.

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