Chapter 2

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I was just a quiet boy in class. I didn't do much socializing with my other classmates. Maybe because I missed my old school. I missed my friends. This school didn't have the same ambiance as what my old school have. It was a good school actually. It has state-of-the-art facilities. It has great teachers who knew what they were teaching. It was really a nice school but there was something missing. Maybe that was the reason why I was not very happy with this school, there's missing. I didn't have somebody to talk to. I didn't have a company. I didn't have friends.

Yes, I still didn't have friends. It's been 5 months since the first day of classes. And I was not the only transferee in the whole batch of 11th grade students. We were like 8 or 10, I think. Three of the new students, including me, went to a section named St. Augustine. Those 2 other transferees became friends with my classmates. Maybe I was the outcast here. And I didn't want that to happen. I didn't want to be an outcast.

I was drowned with my thoughts of being an outcast when I suddenly bumped into someone's arm. Not again. It caused me to almost lose my balance but I quickly returned it. He lost his balance too but he hurriedly got it back but his burger flew off his hand and it landed on my polo then slide down the floor.

"Dude! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stain your uniform." he said to me.

"No. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I am sorry for your burger." I said while removing some residue of his burger.

"Maybe I could do something about your uniform."

"Don't worry, I have an extra uniform in my locker." I said to him.

"Wait. Are you Michael Reyes?"

"Yes why?"

"You're that transferee in our class right?" Wait. He looked so familiar. Wait a second. His name was Ron, I think.

"Yes! And you're Ron, right?"

"Yup. Why do I feel like we're not that close? We barely know each other."

"I don't know. I don't socialize with anyone yet."

"It's been 5 months, dude. Why you don't still talk to us?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll start now."

"You better make conversation with us, your classmates, for you to have friends. Wait. Speaking of friends, do you have friends here in SLU?" he asked.

I just bowed down my head. I didn't want to talk about it right now. It was just that I wasn't ready yet. Maybe for a little conversation but for making friends, no.

"Oh! I see. I can be your friend." he said with a big innocent smile on his face.


"I'll take that as a yes. Starting today, I'm your friend." He said cheerfully with a smile on his face.

"Okay.." I said in agreement.

We hanged out for a moment. Talked about our lives. He even asked about my old school, my friends there, and even my family. I asked about his too. I asked about this school, how long have he been studying here. Stuff like that.

We actually became friends.

"You better go to your locker for you to change your shirt."

"Yes. I should go now." I said in agreement.

"And don't be late. Our next class will start in 10 mins." he said.

As soon as we parted our ways, I headed my way to my locker and changed my shirt. I went to our classroom after changing.

It was just a normal day for me except for the fact that I made friends with one of my classmate, Ron.

Our adviser dismissed us. I went to the parking lot to find my car. I found it immediately and saw Kuya Gabby, our driver. I got in the car and we went home.

The next day, Ron introduced me to his friends; Ericka, Anne, Cass, Dianne, Julius, Arnel, Isaiah, Jelin, Yssa, and Ydrii. It was a big circle of friends. He really was that friendly. We talked about our lives. They asked some stuff about me. Like Ron, they asked about my old school. I asked about them too. I asked about their lives. And I found out that the other 2 transferees named Cass and Dianne. Let me guess, you were confuse now why I barely knew their names, that was because I didn't actually give a damn about them before. Yes I'm selfish but, I just did that because I didn't want to replace my old friends with new ones. I just didn't feel like mingling here at first but after what happened yesterday, the burger thing, something urged me to conversed with Ron and now, with his friends.

We all became close to each other. I wad proud of myself because after 5 months, I finally made friends in this new school.

-RefMonster (the most handsome monster EVER!!!)

Kuya n. Elder brother
•It also refers to men who were not your brother but older than you.
•A sign of respect for older boys.

Origin: from the filipino word kuya.

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