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the black ink was carved into his fair skin, the moonlight hitting his name and leaving the rest of the perfect cursive in the dark. jimin's swollen eyes stayed half open as his thumb traced the thick lettering, his blue lips slightly gaped open.

the fall wind blew through his open window, sending chills up his bare back as it whistled the last leaves off it's limbs. a sigh fell from his still lips as he laid flat against the bed, his wrist leaving his sight as his eyes slowly began to shut close.

his chest heaved up and down with the beat of the clock ticking beside him. the hair stuck to his forehead was pulled up by gravity; bed hair already starting to shape into the pillows. his bottom lip found it's way between his teeth as he could find no sleep under his closed eyes. the thoughts in his head screamed too loudly for him to find rest.

the tattoos had formed a couple weeks before the end of their tour. they were nothing new to him since this magic appearance was something that happened often in his family, he just didn't know what it meant. when his father got his, he was only sixteen, and jimin's mother's name was written on his ankle.

to his father it meant finding his soulmate, to his mother it meant grief. his mother had found the word illness written below her collarbone, only a week later to find out she had breast cancer. but now here was jimin, a boy who had six of his brothers inked into his wrist without knowing what was coming.

until a line slashed through namjoon's name.

jimin's body sprung up as he felt the sting in his forearm; his hand sprung to his face as the sight of his name marked with a thick black line through it stopped his breathing completely. loud sirens began to ring through his glass window, lights of blue, red, and white flashing down the street.

just like his father's tattoo, his soulmate died with a line drawn through her name.

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