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the grey stones screamed back at jimin, the damp ground sinking his feet closer to the coffins they buried only recently. his mouth opened slightly only to breathe out whipped smoke into the cold air. his small hands kept themselves tucked into his black coat, trying his best to keep his chattering teeth silent.

he had a lot of thoughts running through his head; all he wanted to do was scream out apologizes to the dead friends laying beneath his feet, but he couldn't. his words scratch away at his throat, clingy to his heart as he tried to let them go, but only lost his breath when he tried. after a while, he did give up. no words, no apologizes or mourning could bring them back.

taehyung had made this loud and clear. his anger burned inside him, almost as loudly as the fire that put yoongi to rest. he hated jimin. to taehyung, it was all his fault and without any evidence, he still lurked on to the boy he used to call his best friend. jimin gave up on trying to prove taehyung wrong, he gave up after he realized it was all his fault.

jungkook didn't talk. he hadn't left his room in days and kept the door locked tight. every time taehyung's voice echoed through out the house, his palms crawled to his ears and squeezed tightly. he was scared. they all were.

jimin knew how it would all end. he knew that they would all end up dead and he, as he stood before the graves, would keep on breathing all because his name wasn't on his wrist.

he slowly developed the habit of praying at night. he had never believed in a God, but he needed some reassurance that things would turn out okay. that taehyung would forgive him, that the boys would come back to life, that the stinging would go away, for this all to be a dream.

he prayed and he prayed, "God, please just let me die."

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