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the boys were quiet. the silence over took the room they sat in as more and more caskets were placed in front of them. "and this one," the elderly man opened half of the box, soon to hold their best friend, "has a silk finish, which is fairly popular among our costumers,"

"it's for a dead body," taehyung eyes hung heavy, the dark circles matching the boys around him, "he's dead, who the fuck cares if he has silk surrounding a dead fucking corpse," the elderly man pressed his lips together, his eyes going to his shoes as he closed the casket.

"like i've said before," he hummed, folding his hands together, "i'm so sorry for your loss, but we would want the best of comfort for you friend in this desperate time of need and mourning," the man turned his back to the six boys, "i'll leave you to you think about it," his head nodded back to them before he disappeared around a corner.

the boys eyes stayed glued to all the boxes around them, not a single word dropping from either of their mouths. their swollen cheeks and irritated eyes all stuck out the same; messy hair and tear stained clothes suddenly became normal for them. "maybe we should just cremate him," yoongi's rough voice finally interrupted the eerie silence.

"he would've liked the black casket there," seokjin rose his pointer finger, the boys growing attention to the matte finish of the wood behind two other cases. "maybe if he didn't die, maybe if that fucking pole wasn't there, maybe," taehyung's voice grew louder and louder, his body standing up tall as he shouted up to the ceiling.

"it's not like he fucking died on purpose," seokjin jumped from his seat, "now stop acting like a complete and utter fucking asshole, sit down, and help pick out a god damn casket for his dead body before we have to pick one for you too," taehyung's jaw snapped back, his teeth grinding against each other as his eyes twitched back at seokjin's stare.

his head shook before he sat himself back down, his arms folding over one another as he looked away from seokjin's glare. the quietness took over once again as seokjin sat back down as well, jimin's tongue rolling over his front teeth before he quietly murmured, "let's just get the black one, get this done and over with."

jimin stood up, walking out of the room with the slight irritation of tears scratching the back of his sore throat. he found himself an exit and walked a little ways till he was over the highway, watching all the cars zoom by. he thought about how they didn't even know his best friend was dead, or at least yet. he could see the people with cameras piling up at the front door, waiting for the famous boys to come out.

it made him feel sick.

hoseok gradually made his way up the small bridge with him. his tired eyes diverted their attention from the small boy to the hundreds of different cars going under them effortlessly. "when i go the call, it felt like everything we've worked up to was crushed into a million pieces and there was no way duct tape or crazy glue could fix us this time." jimin listened to his raspy voice as he could tell hoseok had been crying just as much as the rest of them.

"it felt like my whole body had been submerged under an ocean and everything around me was still as my body sunk deeper and deeper into nothing but the pitch blackness. my head, it felt like it was going to explode," his hands began to shake, instinctively he placed them in his jean pockets.

the wind began to whistle softly, the little pieces of hair sticking from their head being brushed through as the dancing trees began to make their eyes water. "i'm just waiting for the moment when i finally open my mouth. when i let the water wrap itself around my throat so tightly that the pain is no longer existent. you know, the moment you let the water in, it stops hurting. but for some reason, i'm having trouble accepting the fact that i'm drowning."

"i think we all are," jimin replied, looking up at hoseok, "no one's going to breathe it in until we are ready and i'm sorry," jimin paused, his hands curling into fists as he knew what had to be done.

"i'm sorry you're not going to have time to."

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