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jungkook's voice cracked, "have you seen all the articles?". jimin sat on the other side of the table, his eyes heavy and cold as he looked up at the broken boy sitting before him, "they all say the same thing. they all are blaming our management for this, but they don't even know half of the bullshit going on," his voice fell to almost a whisper as his fingers crawled around his throat, "taehyung keeps saying that it's you, you are the one killing us, but he's just gone completely mad," jimin's bottom lip began to be gnawed away as his attention went back to his fiddling thumbs, "i don't blame him."

"am i next?" jungkook's eyes began to tear up, already swollen and raw from the previous night, "if you do know what's going on, do you know like-just," his words began to mumble before he silenced himself. jimin looked back at jungkook with weary eyes, taking a moment of hesitation before shaking his head. "no, no," jimin forced a small grin as jungkook looked at jimin with confusion in his eyes.

"how- how do you know?" he pressed his sweaty palms to his thighs as he came closer to jimin's face. jimin sighed, sitting himself up before answering, "because i'm not gonna let anything happen to you," jungkook's eyebrows stitched together as a tear traveled down his cheek.

"you can't stop death," jungkook muttered, his eyelashes bouncing off his cheeks as he leaned back into the chair, "if you could, everyone would still be alive," jimin stared up at jungkook, taking in features he hadn't noticed in the years he had known him. the birthmark on his forehead wasn't anything new, but the way his collarbones protruded from his black shirt or how his baby cheeks were no longer visible made jimin realize just how selfish he had been.

he had been so tied up in his own fame that he didn't take time to sit down with his family and catch up on the littlest of things. now only two brother's were left and reality had finally hit him.

jungkook's hand shook against the table terribly, "i'm scared," a tear had finally slipped from jimin's eye, "i'm so fucking scared, jimin, i don't want to die," jimin's mouth peeled open, chapped and bruised. his tongue moved within his mouth, but no words followed. his heart began to pound hard against his ribcage as he found it hard to breath. his mouth moved up and down slightly, fighting for words to escape.

suddenly hoseok's screams scratched away at his eardrums, "i'm sorry," he finally screamed, "i'm sorry i can't save us."

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