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November 2nd, 1992.


It's been five months since I knew Andreson. Over time, we became closer and closer.

Besides me working at his home, I've gotten to see him at school, also. Though he was a junior, I still got to see him a lot.

Momma never really talked to me, only about my party next month. Since I was turning fifteen, she wanted to go all out for it.

I didn't really care about it, though. Jada and Joshua were pretty happy for me, too.

Anyways, I made my way to Spanish class. Some of the jocks were already in class.

"Isa!" Rebecca, a popular white girl shouted. "Come sit with us?"


I sat down between Rebecca, and Rosa, a Puerto Rican girl.

"I heard your mom was going all out for your Quinceanero next month." Rebecca said.

"Yeah." I said.

"I'm sure it will be great!" Rosa smiled. "I'm waiting until I'm sixteen."

"Cool." I said. "I don't want to have one, but whatever."

"So, I heard you were friends with Andreson Valdez." Rebecca winked.

"Yes, he is so multa." Rosa fanned herself.

"Yeah, we're cool." I said.

"So, Rebecca and I were wondering if you could give him our numbers?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Thanks, Chica." Rebecca said. "So, we're going out to park in lot tonight. You want to come?"

Oh, yeah. The parking lot.

The parking lot was just... A parking lot. Everyone always went there on Friday nights, and hung up. I'd been invited so many times but never actually went.

"Sure, I'll come." I smiled.

"See you there!"

I nodded and took a seat in the front.


After school, I met up with Jada.

"You coming to the party tonight?" Jada asked. "They're having a dance competition. Whoever wins, I heard is getting a plane ticket to Puerto Rico."

"Rebecca and Rosa invited me to the parking lot, tonight." I smiled. "You should come."

"You know I do not like them." She rolled her eyes. "You should do the dance competition!"

"Come on, Jada!" I groaned. "We always dance every Friday. I mean, it fun, but we should do something else."

"Whatever, Isa." She shook her head. "You can go to the dumb parking lot."

She walked off and I shook my head.

It was just one night at the parking lot. I didn't see what the big deal was.

Anyways, I continued walking until I heard someone shouting my name. I turned and saw Rosa and Rebecca approaching me.


"Let's go get some Arizona!" Rebecca smiled.

"Sounds cool!"

We ended up going to get some Arizona, and we went to Rosa's house. Her mother greeted me lightly and we went into Rosa's bedroom.

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