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The phone rang as I walked into the hallway. I picked it up and answered, even though I didn't want to be bothered. I was still mad about the video clips being spread across the whole country. Then, my pops was making a big deal out of it. Like, he thought I was going to stay a baby forever or something.


"Hello?" I answered.

"Andreson?" Rebecca asked. "This is Rebecca."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Because I'm your girlfriend." She said.

"You were, until you leaked those videos to the media." I snarled.

"You're accusing me of leaking those videos?" She yelled, "I didn't! You did!"

"Why the hell would I leak videos like that?! " I barked." I'm already rich, and my pops lost his fucking head when he saw them!"

"So, you think I did it?"

"Yes, I do." I said. "You're a gold digging bitch. I should have known not to mess with you."

"Wow, whatever."

She hung up the phone and I put the phone down on the table. I was about to go back into my room, until I heard my pops yelling.

"I still can't believe you let that little girl go!" He barked.

"Robert, lower your damn voice!" My mother semi-yelled. "Andreson is in his bedroom."

"Don't you understand she could go to the police and have us arrested?!" He shouted. "You should have never let her go."

"She has parents, and they knew she came over here last." She snarled. "Now I don't know about you, but I'm not getting arrested over some negro girl."

"I want her back inside of this house, tonight!" He barked. "Or else."

"Shit." I whispered.



"I can't believe this plan worked." Rosa said as she continued to paint her nails.

"I know." I said.

"What are you going to do with all the money?" She smiled. "We should go shopping or something."

"We can't do anything just yet." I said. "We need more!"

"More?" She raised an eyebrow. "You have five grand!"

"That's not enough for me and you." I shook my head. "Dealing with Andreson Valdez, we need a whole lot more than that."

"Well, you can't do anything, now." She said. "You guys broke up. He called you a gold digging bitch."

"And, we're going to get back together." I smirked.

Okay, let me explain.

When we heard Andreson Valdez was coming to Walton high, we knew that it was for a reason. What's the reason? Money.

That is exactly why we started hanging out with Isamariá. We didn't have anything against her, because she was cool, but we knew she was close to Andreson. Well, I didn't like her, but Rosa did because of some Puerto Rican shit or something.

Anyways, when Andreson never called us, we made up another plan. So once Rosa and I had him in our hands, I manipulated him. Rosa recorded us every chance she got, we put the videos together and I sold them to the media.

I only got five thousand, which I why my plan was not through. I needed enough to get my mother out of New York, and Rosa's Family back to Puerto Rico. So, we weren't done.

"Don't you think this is kind of wrong, though?" She asked. "What if someone finds out?"

"Nobody is going to find out because I'm not going to say anything to anyone," I looked at her, "And, you're not going to say anything to anyone. We're just going to keep this to ourselves, and carry out the rest of this plan."

"How are we going to explain to our parents how we got this money?"

"We'll come up with something." I shrugged. "Besides, you're just as wrong as me for agreeing to the plan."

"Whatever, Rebecca." She laughed.

I then heard the front door close, and I knew it was my mother. She came into my room and shot me a disappointed look.

"Rosa, I think you should go home." She said.

"Alright," Rosa stood up. "Bye."

She left me in the room with her.

"I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, kissing all on some rich boy on camera!" She snapped. "That is unacceptable."


Then, she punched me in my face. I fell out of the chair, onto the floor.

"You know damn well none of these rich boys want you, you're just going to have to get over it." She growled.

She walked out of my room, and I layed my head down, trying to stop myself from crying. That was until I realized that my nose was bleeding.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror at myself. I guess mom was right. I was a blonde headed white country girl. I didn't even look as much as the Barbie doll I had, even though I wanted to.

But, I wasn't going to stop doing what I do just because of a dumb punch in my face. She'll be sorry she ever hit me.

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