Chapter 8 | Emotions

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2  days after the acid fog...

Clarke's POV:

Waiting for Bellamy to come back after going out to look for Octavia is one of the most nerve wracking experiences in my life. When he does arrive with a dying Finn and a grounder prisoner, its not really what I had in mind.

"Bellamy, what happened?" I scream, looking down at Finn, who has a knife stuck in his chest.

"The grounder stabbed him," Bellamy spits at the grounder, whom is being tied up. 

"Clarke, can you save him?" Raven asks me, quietly, I sigh.

"Not without my Mum's help. Raven, I need you to get those radio's working." I say, not wasting time. Raven nods and run off. I go to check on Finn, who is still alive but only just. I can hear Raven in the tent next door, calling the Ark. Looking over at Emily, who had severe concussion and is fading in and out of consciousness, the only person that could save Finn is my mum. All of a sudden, I hear the ark reply, and fight through the group that has rushed over to the radio. 

"This is Raven Reyes calling from the ground. We need Abby Griffin." She says into the mic.

"Raven, is that you?" I hear my mother say.

"Mom?" I whisper.  


I'm finally relaxed about Finn, when Raven calls out,

"Clarke, he's seizing." Immediately I race down, only to see Finn rapidly seizing, his mouth foaming and eyes weeping.

"Raven, get my mum!" I shout.

"The radio's dead because of the storm," She says. I'm just holding him down, when I see Emily wake up, weakly walking over.

"Where's the thing that stabbed him," She asks, looking down at Finn worriedly. I point at the knife which is lying on the floor alone. Emily runs over to it, runs her finger along the blade, and smells it. She looks up at me, and the concerned look on her face tells me it's not good.

"Clarke, the knifes poisoned. Who stabbed him?" She croaks.

"A grounder, he is upstairs with Bellamy." I sobbed, as she rushes upstairs.

Emily's POV:

I bang on the door angrily.

"Bellamy, its Emily, let me in," I shout

 The hatch opens and I climb up, slightly shocked by the grounder strapped to the wall. 

"Did he have a bag or anything?" I ask frantically.

"Yes, a notebook and those weird herbs," Bellamy says. "Why, what's wrong?"

"The knife Finn was stabbed with was poisoned," I reply, sorting the herbs into two piles, a pile of herbs I know wouldn't work, and ones that could or that I don't know  what they are. The second pile was the biggest, and we couldn't risk testing our random herbs, not in Finn's current state. I walk up to the grounder and shout.

"Which one?" he doesn't reply, and I hold up the knife. "Which is the antidote?" Clarke joins us and storms up to the grounder, screaming in his face. Although I've been unconscious for some of the past two days, Clarke's filled me in on what's happening between her, Finn and Raven, being best friends we confide in each other this type of thing. 

"I'll get it out of him," Bellamy says, grabbing the knife.

"Bellamy, no!" Octavia screeches, trying with all her might to pull Bellamy away. "Bellamy he saved my life, this is not who we are," she shouts. 

"This isn't about your life Octavia, its about Finns," he answered, pushing her away.

"Do it," Clarke says, and I look at my friend in shock.

"Clarke, there are other ways to test which one! I don't mind testing them on me to see if they're poisonous," I retort, not wanting to observe or play any part in torture.

"Em, by the time we do that Finn will be dead!" Clarke shouts, and I know the case is lost.

"Fine, but I'm going, I won't play any part in this, and if something goes wrong, that's on you guys," I burst out, storming downstairs. I go to help Raven with Finn, who stops breathing, then starts again. I can hear shouts upstairs, but still no antidote. 

"I'm going to see whats taking them so long," Raven murmurs, going upstairs. I hear more shouts, then silence, as Clarke and Raven hurry down with a bottle. I go upstairs to retrieve the other herbs so I can see what they do, when I see a long cut down Octavia's arm and know instantly that the torture didn't work, that Octavia threatened to hurt herself. The grounder saved Octavia's life, he wouldn't let her die.

"Hey, Octavia, come and let me disinfect that," I say softly, avoiding Bellamy and the others eye contact, and looking at the grounder. However, Octavia refuses quietly. Looking at the grounder now, I ask Octavia,

"Can I take small samples of some of these to study?" I ask.

"Its his stuff," She replies sharply.

"Octavia, do you really think they're going to let him leave?" I ask, hoping she will find reason.

"Fine, but just take a little bit," She mumbles. I take a few samples and go downstairs, grab my bag, which Clarke had returned to me, then leave the drop ship, needing to get away from all the violent people that surround me. On my way out I see Clarke crying, but don't stop to comfort her. I guess in a way I'm no better, I didn't try to stop them. Though I try to tell myself I couldn't have done anything against all those people, and at least I didn't encourage it, a deep deep feeling of guilt floods me. Outside is a bit better, but I feel I need to be alone in the forest. I'm a few meters out of site, when I spy Bellamy behind me out of the corner of my eye.

"Emily, it had to be done," He whispers.

"No, violence is a choice, and incase you didn't notice, torturing him didn't get you that antidote." I snap, still not meeting his eyes. I go to walk out, but Bellamy grabs my shoulder.

"I don't think you should go into the forest alone yet Emily. You never did tell us what happened to you, and after what just happened, you might do something stupid." He says softly, and finally I look him in the eye, but not out of friendship, but anger. Suddenly, Bellamy looks down at my wrist, and gasps. I wonder what at, then see the scar from the wrist band, then realise that Bellamy is the first person that noticed, or at least let me know they noticed.

"Emily, you wrist band..." He starts, when I finally lose control, and cry. I start to run into the forest again, but Bellamy once more pulls me back, and I don't fight it. 

"Hey, its going to be ok," He says, looking to in the eye. 

"I don't know how you can live with yourself after what you did!" I scream at him, letting all my anger out. How can he be so unaffected by what he just did? Then again, I notice the sadness in his eyes.

"I did it for Finn, Emily. You think it was easy for me to torture someone? How heartless do you think I am?" He shouts, finally raising his voice. 

"You want to know why the idea of torture horrifies me so much, huh?" I yell. 

"Why?" He shouts at me.

"Because I know what it feels like!" I scream, and walk away slowly, emotions I can't even describe filling me.

"Emily, I'm so sorry, I had no idea," He says, sounding utterly shocked.

"Well, you..." I start, about to say something spiteful, before Bellamy walks up to me and places his lips on mine. Without thinking I kiss him back, and for the first time since we arrived on Earth, I finally feel safe.


Ok guys, reading this back a year later I realise that it's kinda rushed (when you write a chapter a day you don't notice as much as when you read it in one sitting) but I hope you still enjoy the story:)

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