Chapter 10 | Unity Day

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Emily's POV:

I stand next to Bellamy as we watch the Unity Day celebrations. Jaha makes a speech about how the next unity day will be on the ground, which not all of the 100 are happy to hear.

"So they come to the ground after we did all the work? Someone shut him up!" Miller remarks.

"You shut him up, no one's forcing you to watch," Raven spits. Personally I've always loved Unity day and its celebrations. Unity day is when we remember the 12 national space stations joining, and for me it brings peace and hope. I know it is a lie, as they only joined after the thirteenth station was blown up, but I think it's a celebration that really means something to the human race. When Jaha starts talking about the plans to get to the ground, me and many others smile and celebrate, happy that we will soon be reunited with our loves ones. There are those who are bitter though, and I cringe at some of the comments they make, easily heard by Jaha on the other end of the radio screen. Clarke comes and stands on the other side of me. 

"Hey, you feeling better?" She asks, for she is the only one I confined what I found out about my parents to.

"Yeah, you know me, I've always loved Unity day," I smile, cheerful at everything that seems to going right,

"Was is Unity day you liked, or the parties?" She jokes, making me laugh until I saw all the people around us giving us annoyed looks. Me and Clarke having parents on the council, had a way easier life on the Ark than the workers, whom made up most of the 100. I doubt they would had new clothes and nice food, not that we had lots of these things. Suddenly Jasper and Monty come running out with pots of steaming liquid.

"Monty strikes again! Call this batch unity juice!" Jasper shouts, carrying what I imagine as some sort of alcohol. This is greeted with cheers, and many people clamber round them to get a drink. Bellamy goes to get some, then sees me and Clarke stay put.

"Loosen up guys!" he says. Me and Clarke sigh, then reluctantly go and get some. Once we have got ours, we return to where we were standing, and I take a very small sip. Even with a small amount, the liquid tastes strong but sweet, and I cringe a bit as it goes down. Bellamy laughs as he sees me, and I give him a friendly shove. Just as a little girl is watering the Eden tree, the screen goes blank. I groan, but some people cheer.

"Enough of that crap! Time for some real fun!" Someone shouts, as everyone else starts celebrating. During that night, Bellamy refills his drink one or two times, but a few hours later, I'm still sipping on the same glass. When Bellamy realises this, he laughs.

"Seriously, were you like this on the ark?" I blush, not wanting to tell him I've never had anything alcoholic before, he just smiles.

"Do you reckon your parents will be on the next drop ship?" He asks me, but I suddenly stiffen. I have long come to the conclusion that it was wrong of my parents to get me arrested without telling me, that they could have at least told me 100 prisoners were being sent to the ground and given me a choice whether to get myself arrested or not.

"Yes, my dad's on the council," I mutter, trying to make it obvious I don't want to talk about them.

"Oh yeah. I never asked, how did the talk to your parents go?" He asks me the one question I didn't want to answer.

"Fine," I lie, glad I'm normally a good lier. Bellamy gives me a hard look, then gets the message that I don't want to talk about it. I go to take another sip of my drink, then realise I've finally finished it. I go to get more, but Bellamy stops me.

"I'll go get you some, I need a refill anyway," He smiles. I thank him, then hear a sound in the bushes behind me, and look, only to see Finn wandering into the forest. I turn to a girl beside me, who looks very drunk, and say.

"Tell Bellamy I'll be back soon," they just nod, and go back talking. Slipping out the gate, I run to catch up to Finn, and whisper.

"Where are you going?" He puts his hand over my mouth and points to Octavia, who is sneaking through the bushes. 

"Your following her? Let me come to!" I say, after being sick for a few days, I feel like doing something adventurous, and the glass of alcohol probably helps. Finn just sighs and nods, as we continue following Octavia into the darkness of the forest. We follow her to what Finn recognises as the place got stabbed. She goes in, and we wait for her to come out. After about half an hour, she emerges with someone I recognise immediately. Lincoln. I see Octavia and him kissing, and smile when I realise why Octavia was so keen on rescuing him. Finn takes a step foreword, and a twig snaps. Octavia turns around and Lincoln holds out a weapon, looking like he would kill us. Then I realise that Finn is holding out the very same knife that Lincoln stabbed him with. 

"I think you lost this," He motions, throwing Lincoln the knife.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Octavia glares, and I smirk as I realise we've interrupted something.

"I could ask you the same thing," Finn replies, as I groan. I know that Finn is a peace maker and has no bad intentions, but unlike me, he doesn't know that me and Octavia set Lincoln free.

"I could also ask you how long you've known he speaks english," Finn says, smirking.

"Well, to be fair I knew that as well," I say quietly, trying to take some blame off Octavia. 

"But I won't," He sighs, making me, Octavia and Lincoln all very surprised. Suddenly, I look down and see a horn. Picking it up, I say,

"You blew this while your people were hunting us, you saved our lives," I gasp, Lincoln nods.

"I have to believe there's more like you," Finn says, but Lincoln still has a strange look on his face.

"I stabbed you," Lincoln began.

"And we tortured you," Finn adds in, "If the two of us can get along, maybe there's hope," 

"How's that going to happen?" Octavia asks. 

"Well for starters, no more killing," Fin says, but Lincoln shakes his head.

"I don't have the power to call a truce," he tells us, but Finn just says,

"Then bring us to someone who does. The rest of our people our coming down here in two days, and because of the attacks, they're sending mostly soldiers," Finn points out.

"It't true," Octavia whispers, looking unsure at where Finn was going.

"The ark is about survival, if they feel threatened, they will start a war, and I don't want that. Neither do you, I think thats why you blew that horn," Finn says, and finally Lincoln seems convinced.

"Ok, you bring your leader I bring mine." Lincoln nods.

"Bellamy will never go for this," I point out.

"No, we bring Clarke."


Note added: 03/02/18

Hey guys, so I just released a few chapters of my new Draco Malfoy fanfic, if you like my writing, or Harry Potter, please check it out, it would mean tons:)

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