Chapter 13 | Sickness

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Emily's POV:

When Bellamy leaves the drop ship, I go down stairs to try and help Murphy. I wash some of the blood off of his face, and give him some food, however, he just seems to be getting worse. All of a sudden, Murphy throws up, and I see in horror that he threw up blood.

"Oh my God Murphy! What's wrong with you?" I shout in horror, as small drops of blood cover me. Suddenly, Clarke rushes in, blood stains down her face.

"Murphy, look at me, I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the grounders," She asks urgently. Murphy looks her in the eye, and spits out some more blood.

"I don't know, I woke up and they forgot to lock my cage and there was no one there, so I took off." He chokes, still spitting up blood, Clarke and me exchange worried glances.

"They let you go," She says, looking almost ready to cry. Suddenly Bellamy walks in.

"Bellamy, stay back." I say, suddenly feeling weak.

"Did he do something to you?" Bellamy says threateningly. 

"Biological warfare, you were waiting for the grounders to retaliate, this is it, Murphy's the weapon," Clarke mumbles. 

"Is this your revenge, helping the grounders kill us?" Bellamy shouts.

"I didn't know about this, I swear," Murphy starts, but Bellamy just shouts for him to stop lying.

"Murphy, think, what can you tell us that's useful?" I ask him.

"They're vicious, cruel." Murphy starts.

"You want to see vicious and cruel?" Bellamy shouts.

"Bellamy, no. Whatever this thing is it spreads through contact," I say. Suddenly, someone behind us starts seizing and throwing up blood, me and Clarke rush over, but all of a sudden he stops, and goes deadly silent. I feel for a pulse, but there isn't one to feel.

"He's dead," I whisper. 

"What do we do?" Bellamy asks.

"Quarantine, bring in anyone who's had contact with Murphy," She says. 


I sit in the corner on my own, for although I haven't thrown up blood yet, I'm having severe migraines. Bellamy goes and gets Octavia, who was with me when we found Murphy, and as soon as he brings her in, he has to leave, as he currently hasn't had contact with anyone infected. I stand up and go and join Clarke and Octavia, who are talking. Octavia turns around and leaves, and I turn to Clarke.

"Where's she going? She could have the virus!" I exclaim.

"I need her to go and ask Lincoln about the virus, see if there's a cure," Clarke explains, looking tired.

"Go and sit down, I can keep watch, I feel way better now," I lie, though Clarke thanks me and goes and takes my place in the corner. Suddenly, another person starts seizing, and I rush over, although by the time I reach them, there's nothing I can do, and they're dead in a minute. I drag the dead girl through the drop ship door, and faces turn in horror at another body. I have to look away as friends realise their friend is dead. Two people come and carry the body away, then Bellamy comes a few metres away from me.

"Emily, are you sure your ok?" He asks, worriedly. 

"Yeah, better then them at least," I say, gesturing at the two dead bodies.

"Do you have enough food in there?" 

"For now at least, some medicine would be nice," I laugh bitterly, while Bellamy smiles.

"I'll see what I can do." Then I turn around, and go back into the drop ship, however, as I leave, there are cries, as a boy with his eyes dripping blood runs in after me, and Harper, a girl I haven't spoken much to before throws up in three people's faces.

"You three, carry her in then stay in," I shout at them, running in after the boy with blood eyes, avoiding the panic now unfolding outside, however, just before I reach the door Octavia rushes up to me.

"There is no cure, the grounders don't use the sickness to kill," She shouts.

"Say that to them, I warned you about seeing that grounder again," Bellamy exclaims, looking at the dead bodies. 

"Yeah, well I have a warning for you to, the grounders are attacking at first light," Octavia shouts, and we all go silent. 

"Octavia, do me a favour and stay inside. I need someone to look after the quarantine, and I don't think I can stay awake much longer," I mutter weakly, as Octavia helps me into the drop ship, before I close my eyes, and fall asleep.


I wake up a few minutes later, and see Finn and Octavia leaving the drop ship.

"Hey, where are you going?" I mutter, as they both turn around. 

"Building a bomb," Finn says as they leave, and then I fall back into a deep sleep. 


A few hours later, I weakly open my eyes and see Octavia holding an unconscious persons hand, Bellamy.

"Octavia, is he ok?" I ask quietly, as Octavia looks up at me in surprise.

"He should be, just started bleeding like the rest of you, then fell unconscious," She mutters, then walks over to me. 

"Are you feeling better?" She asks.

"A bit, I guess what you said about the virus not lasting long is true," I smile, slowly sitting up.

"Look after Bellamy for me, I have to go and help with some jobs, we're low on people," She says, standing up and leaving. I look over at the unconscious Bellamy and crawl over to him, laying my hand on his forehead, which is extremely hot. Feeling too weak to stand up, I lie down next to Bellamy, but keep my eyes open, careful to stay awake in case something bad happens. A few minutes later, Bellamy's eyes flutter open, and he turns his head to look at me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I smile, glad that he's awake.

"Terrible, but better knowing your here," He whispers weakly, trying to sit up.

"You need to rest, Bellamy. You are still really sick," I say, pushing him down, though he doesn't fight me. I go to stand up, but he grabs my arm and looks me in the eye.

"Emily, please don't leave," He begs.

"Ok, I guess there's not much I could do right now anyway," I smile, lying back down and resting my head in his shoulder. However, as I touch the floor, I wince, then look down at my shoulder, which is weeping and clearly infected. Bellamy looks at it with concern.

"Emily, your shoulder," He starts, though I lie back down.

"It will be fine, it's you you should be worried about! Very inconsiderate of you to fall ill Bellamy," I joke, and a faint smile appears on his face. 

"Anyway, you should get some rest," I say, stroking his hair out of his face and giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "We need you healthy to boss us around."


So, I've published the playlist, but I am still going to add more songs, so comment any suggestions below:)

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