Chap. 7 "Alois! Help!"

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((Your point of view))
        After a tiring day of shopping, Alois and I head back to the manor. I've bought some wonderful dresses today. All of them either blue, purple, or green. Alois says it's my color... I have no clue what that means...
        It's late at night, and I'm getting into my pajamas. The soft fabric cascades over my body, immediately making me feel tired. I get down in bed, pulling the covers over me. I'm about to close my eyes, but I hear something outside my window. I turn over in my bed, only to find someone looking down at me. Their crimson eyes burn into mine. I'm about to scream, but the person covers my mouth. "You will be safe soon," a deep voice says. His hand shifts on my mouth, and I only get enough time to say "Alois! Help!" before my eyes start to close, and I black out.


        My eyes flutter open, my eyelids heavy. The sun shines through the window, and I smile. I get to see Alois today. I look up at the ceiling, and frown. It's lines with blue and gold, and green wallpaper darkens the room. I sit up, looking around. The bed is huge, the room is huge, and I feel like a child in giant land.
        "Wha...." I mutter, brushing loose strands of hair out of my face. This isn't the Trancy manor. I don't know where this is... I jump out of bed, throwing the door open. "Hello?!" I shout. "Where am I?!"
        I hear footsteps barreling down the hall, and a dark red haired maid with big circular glasses comes skidding to a stop before me. "You're prettier than the young master said, yes!" she exclaims, adjusting the glasses on her nose.
"Young master...?" I question. Before the girl can answer, two blondes come walking down the hall.
        One is taller than the other by a good foot. He has a cigarette hanging from his mouth, the tip burning red. He wears a chefs coat, and goggles hang around his neck. The other has wide cerulean eyes, with red clips holding back his bangs. A hat sits on the back of his neck. He's smiling widely. "Oh! She's so pretty!" the smaller boy says, his accent kind of cute.
"I can guess why the young master wanted her..." the taller one says, his eyes traveling up and down my body.
        Behind them, a tall man dressed in a tail coat comes up. "If you three have time for lolly gagging, you should get back to work!" His deep voice echoes through the hall, making the three jump. "Y-Yes Mister Sebastian!" they all shout, then skitter down hall. Sebastian sighs, then regains his composure.
"Hello Lady (Y/N). I'm sorry for the morning interruptions. I promise it won't happen again."
"Where am I?!" I shout.
"The Phantomhive manor," he says.
"I. Want. To. Go. Home."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. The master had specific orders. Oh! That reminds me," he says, then holds out a blue and white dress (see top picture). "The master wanted you to wear this."


The dress makes me feel TOO girly. It has frills and lace. I just want to go home....


((Ciel point of view))
I can't wait to see my angel in her beautiful blue dress. I didn't think I could wait any longer, until she steps through the drawing room door. She has her hair down again, and I smile. I don't even know her name, yet I want her. She looks down at the floor, and I can't see her pretty (E/C) eyes.
I get up from my seat, walking across the room to her. "Why won't you look up?" I ask.
"I want to see Alois..." she whispers. My breath catches in my throat. She wants to see Alois Trancy?!
"I'm sorry, but you won't see him again. You're living here from now on." She looks up at my words. Her beautiful (E/C) orbs shimmer in the sunlight. Under my breath, I whisper, "You are so beautiful..."
I reach up to cup her cheek, but she backs away. "Please," she says. "Please don't touch me..." I'm hurt, I'll admit.
"What is your name?" I ask.
"(Y/N)," she mutters.
"That is a beautiful name."

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