Chap. 8 "why?"

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((Your point of view))
        This boy looks at me with such passion in his eyes, such emotion. I only look back with a cold stare. It doesn't seem to faze him. "Why am I here?" I ask.
"Because I want you here. Since the first moment I saw you that night, I needed you," he responds, his voice yearning. I take a good look at the boy, and I remember. His blue head shifting between groups of guests, his royal blue eye(s) looking from girl to girl. "Ciel...Phantomhive...." I whisper.
        Ciel looks at me, his lips twisting up in a smile. "You remembered me," he says. "I didn't....I didn't think you would...." His cheeks flood with a light pink color, almost unnoticeable.
"What shall I do to earn my keep," I ask.
"Whatever do you mean?!" Ciel shouts.
"What. Shall I do. To earn. My. Keep," I say slowly.
"You are a guest (Y/N). You stay here for free," he explains.
        I nod my head slowly. "I...I think I'm going to go up to my room," I say, turning away to look at the door.
"Sebastian will call you down for breakfast," he shouts behind me. I nod my head once more before leaving the room.

~mini tiny time skip~

        I'm lost. I'll admit it! I'm lost! I thought I turned the corner to my room, but it only led to more hallways. I turn a small corner, groaning. This huge dress adds 10 pounds to me. I walk down the hall, then stop. A door is open a crack, and I see something big, black, white, and shiny. I open the door slowly, and poke my head through. A gasp is let out into the air, and I smile. A large grand piano lies in the middle of the room, and it looks new.
        I walk up to it, my hands running over the keys softly. I sit down at the bench, looking at the piles of sheet music spread across the piano. I take the pile, and start flipping through. Prelude No. 1 in C major falls out into my hand. I put it in front of me. My fingers find the keys fairly easily, and I press down.
((Ciel point of view))
        I hear something from down the hall of my study. It sounds like music, but the only instrument here is a piano. I get up, following the sounds. The door is open to a room, a room I haven't gone in for years. I peer inside and smile widely.
        Her whole body seems to move with the music. Her fingers float across the keys elegantly. She hums along with the music, her voice intoxicating. I walk in, and come up behind her. "You sound amazing," I whisper. She jumps slightly, her fingers falling from the keys.
"O-oh! I'm sorry! I just saw it in here and...and..." she says, trying to find the right words.
"It's fine (Y/N). It sounded beautiful. This manor hasn't been filled with music for quite some time," I say, sitting own next to her. She shifts slightly, moving to the right. I pretend not to notice.
        I have no idea how to play piano. I don't even remember that last time I set foot in this room. I look down at the keys. "Do you know how to play?" she asks.
"N-no...not really."
"Oh..." she says, then under her breath, almost unheard, "Alois does..." I try not to glare at her for bringing up Alois. I stand up. "Sebastian said breakfast was ready. Come with me." I take her hand, but she retracts it from my grasp. She bites her lip before walking out of the room silently. "How will I make you love me my angel?" I ask myself.

((Sebby point of view, cause I can!))

        This shy girl sits at the table, looking down at her food. Her (E/C) eyes almost shimmer in the sunlight, and her hair hangs down around her (back, shoulders, neck). I can tell why the young master wanted her. She is beautiful, a true angel. I look away from her silently. My hands twine in one themselves. I feel my eyes glow their demonic pink, my pupils slitting like a cats. This damn human is making me.....feel.....

What?! Sebastian isn't an emotionless Spok after all?! You know I love love triangles, but what happens when a love SQAURE is thrown in. Oh sh*t... I might have fangirled a little... Ok! I'm better now! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next one will come out either tomorrow morning, or tomorrow night. It depends if I have a not busy morning, or a homework and drama filled night! By y'all!!

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