21// two kinds of cake

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"Why did you have to drag me out here?! They're still playing What I Like About you!" I whined to Nia.

She straightened my hair while I changed, and then pulled me all the way back to the stage.

"You'll see!" She squealed, bouncing up and down as the last note was played.

The boys waved to the fans and ran off the stage towards the two of us.

"There's my girl!" Michael cheered, kissing my cheek.

"You're all sweaty," I complained, backing away from him quickly.

He smirked and ran at me, wrapping me in a sweaty hug and spinning me around.


"Olivia!!" He chuckled, putting me down. "You were great earlier."

"Thanks," I blushed. "So were you."

"Mike!" Calum called out. "Time to go back on!"

"I'll see you soon," Michael grinned, kissing my forehead and running back on stage.

"Jealous," Nia sighed. "I'm jealous."

"What about you and Calum? Weren't you two talking?"

"Kind of. Not really though. We just hang out when no one else wants to. What you and Michael have, that's what I want."

Before I could reply, Casey, Rena, and Miranda joined us to watch.

They played She's Kinda Hot and She Looks So Perfect, but I wasn't expecting a third song. Out of no where, I heard the tune of Happy Birthday being played, and Michael came back to pull me on stage.

"Happy Birthday to you," the boys harmonized. "Happy Birthday to you."

"Happy birthday beautiful Olivia," Michael sang out himself.

"Happy birthday to you," they finished as Hey Violet came on stage with a cake that had two candles in it. One shaped like a one, and one shaped like a nine.

"Happy birthday, baby girl," Mike grinned, kissing me sweetly and shortly.

When I pulled away I blew out the candles, and swiped some frosting from the cake with my finger, bopping Michael's nose and covering it in vanilla icing.

Time seemed to stop for a second. I heard fans yelling out happy birthday to me and my friends laughing behind me, but I only payed attention to Michael. He stared back at me with a smile, and, before I knew it, he had put frosting on my nose too.

"Butt face!" I joked.

"You did it first!"

Before replying, Calum strapped a party hat on my head, and Ashton had put one on Michael.

"Can everyone out there say Happy Birthday to my beautiful girlfriend?!" Michael yelled to the crowd.

"1....2...3!" Cal counted off.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!!!" The crowd shouted.

"Thank you," I smiled into Michael's microphone. "I just wanted to thank all of you in the 5sos fam that have supported Michael and I. It's not easy sharing someone you love so much, so thank you for all of the love and support. THANK YOU!"

"Okay, we're gonna go eat some cake! I hope you guys had a good time!!" Ashton yelled.

"Ash, what kind of cake? Cause there's this cake, or there's these two boys right here," I joked, pointing to Luke and Calum.

"Both, obviously," Calum chuckled.

"Goodnight LA!!!!!!" Luke cheered, and the four boys went to the front of the stage to bow as balloons and confetti rained down from above.

Ash and the boys went in front of the stage to the pit and Hey Violet and I walked off.

"Thanks guys," I blushed.

"The cake was my idea," Casey smiled.

"Thank you, Casey," I replied. "Thank all of you guys. Especially, my wonderful boyfriend Michael," I smiled as he walked over to us.

"Anything for you, babe," he smirked, kissing me quickly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Casey looking at the floor and biting his nails. I felt bad, but, at the same, it felt good to see his heart break a little. It may sound awful, but it meant he was getting over me.

"You guys were great, by the way. All of you. Both bands and Roy," I said.

"Halcyon was great too. Don't you think, Olive?" Calum laughed.

"She was the best. A real show stopper," I giggled.

"I agree," Mike added, slipping his arm around my back and moving his hand down until it was on my butt.

"Michael Gordon!" I warned, swatting his arm.

"He is why you two get shunned," Rena giggled.

"Maybe I want us to be shunned. Too much of you guys," Mike joked.

"Maybe I'll just hang out with them, then. Too much of you," I chuckled.

"You wouldn't. Especially not tonight."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's almost eleven o'clock. Your birthday starts in about an hour. It's gonna be a good birthday," Michael smirked as our friends rolled their eyes and started to groan.




how's life?

cause I am stressed as f right now with school

Love ya dudes💕

💜 don't be a silent reader 💜


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