I Thought I Knew

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Just as she thought it, Jesse felt something hit her on the back of the head. When she woke she found herself trapped in a glass sphere, Lukas Petra Olivia, and Axel were watching, seemingly unable to move. Instinctively, Jesse lowered her eyes, then she remembered.  She lifted her gaze and looked straight into Petra's obsidian black eyes, then into  Lukas's icey blue ones. She did the same for Axel and Olivia, to get the point across that she forgave them. Suddenly green liquid poured from the top of the glass, it smelled horrible, as if sulfur had been mixed with milk that was a year old. Next came a lilac liquid that smelled of honey and fresh baked bread. This went on for a while, blood red smelling of charred wood, light blue with the smell of dirt, until the sphere was filled completely. Oddly enough, Jesse could breathe in these strange liquids, but the more pungent liquids sung her eyes so she kept them closed. She heard the sound of redstone whirring in the background. She remembered playing with Ruben in the park, and the relief when her friends had finally found their way home. If she wasn't going to feel anything for the rest of her life she wanted to spend her last chance thinking happy thoughts. 

Suddenly all the liquid disappeared, Jesse was completely dry. Why wasn't she surprised? Oh right. Jesse looked around her eyes landed on Lukas first, finding that she no longer got nervous or thought he was "cute." There was worry and sadness in Axel's eyes, Jesse couldn't sympathize. Everything seemed blank, less exiting. Instead of looking at Petra with a smile, Jesse just stared, wanting to be scared, worried, anything. But she couldn't even want anything. Now everything was dull.

"What did you do?" Petra asked, her voice dripping with rage towards Hira. 

"I took her emotions," said Hira shrugging as if she had just said she had made Jesse a cake.

"What?!" Axel questioned, confused. 

Lukas on the other hand understood perfectly, "Give them back!" He said in a voice deadly calm.

"Oh don't worry," Hira giggled in a playful way, "it's not permanent, oh no! This is only until I can strengthen the power I'm pretty sure Jesse didn't even know she had." 

"What power?" Lukas asked, his voice shaking now. 

"You'll see after the first quarter moon, as you mortals call it" Hira smiled smugly.

"Don't worry Jesse we'll get you back to normal." Petra promised.

"I can't worry," it was a fact, not effected by Jesse's emotions, so she said it.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Petra asked, she couldn't tell, Jesse's voice had lost all of its spunky confidence that made it so unique. 

"I think it was," said Lukas, realizing Jesse didn't have any more to say. 

"I wish she was back to how she used to be." Lukas sighed, thinking that if Jesse had ever shared  his feelings for her, she certainly didn't now.

"Yeah,"Axel agreed, looking into Jesse's eyes with the most pleading look he could muster. Jesse only stared back blankly. 

 finally, Olivia spoke,"Jesse? Real, emotional Jesse, if you're listening somewhere in that blank stare...Lukas has feelings for you!" Olivia shouted the last part.

"Olivia!" Lukas exclamed, turning red as a tomato. 

Olivia just stuck out her tongue, "you'll thank me someday."  

This made Petra feel slightly better, "ya'know, Jesse's probably going to make some jokes about this as soon as she gets her emotions back." 

The four took Jesse with them to where they were staying, she couldn't give her opinion, but maybe she could provide some useful facts and even if she couldn't feel anything, that meant she couldn't hate them for all the things the imposters had done.

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