I'm Listening

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It was like punching bedrock. Useless. Jesse tried not to pay attention to what Hira was making her do. Right now she was sharpening a sword that glowed so brightly with enchantments Jesse wouldn't be surprised if it killed the Ender Dragon with one hit. She longed to turn it to stone. It would be so satisfying if she could. Suddenly, The door opened. Jesse wished she could look up but she just kept sharpening the blade. 

"Jesse?" It was Lukas's voice. Full of concern, "I know, if this is anything like PAMA's control you can hear me, so please, if you can, listen for a bit."

Jesse couldn't respond, hoping Lukas would understand, she focused as hard as she could on his voice. 

"Look, Olivia already told you that I have a crush on- no wait, let me start from the beginning. When I was off exploring, Hira asked me for a favor. I wasn't sure if I could trust her, then Petra came up to me and told me that she could really use the help. So I came with her and things started going south," Lukas paused for a moment as if to let Jesse take in what she had just heard. "Hira locked me in a cell with Axle, Olivia, and Petra. They explained to me what was going on. Imposters had taken our place, and they were going to make you so desperate that it would be easy to make you fall into her trap. It took way longer than she expected though, at least that's what one of the guards said." 

Jesse felt warmth inside, this explaination made so much more sense. She was glad to know what was finally going on. Suddenly Lukas leaned towards her and quickly and lightly, kissed Jesse's cheek. Jesse finally felt a little bit of control come back to her, enough to say one thing, "Sorry," she muttered sheepishly. Then went on to sharpening a diamond pick axe with a blaze rod for the handle. 

Lukas, didn't know what to think of what had just happened, any of it. He sort of awkwardly shuffled out of the room and left Jesse to what she had been doing. He speed walked to where Hira had Petra, Lukas, Olivia and Axel staying, before he could open the door though. Hira's voice rang through the halls. 

"Brother, it is a pleasure to see you again, after Notch had locked you away I worried."

Another, deeper and if possible more evil sounding voice, responded to Hira, "My dear sister, not even the strongest of bedrock could not trap me, and the mightiest of armies could not recapture me, not now that we have the command block, we are unstoppable! We will rule all worlds!"

Lukas couldn't believe what he was hearing, they had the command block?!

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