Hollow Wishing

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Lukas didn't know what to think of anything, he has killed someone, but that someone had killed Jesse. He stood shaking as his vision cleared, Herobrine had vanished. Petra stood, tentatively in the corner of his vision, scared. 

"Lukas?" She whispered tearfully.

"I-" He muttered, "I-I J-just."

The four rode home in silence all lost in thought. Lukas noticed Petra sobbing, but was too deep in the shock of losing Jesse to be surprised. When they returned, the news spread like wildfire rippling in the wind, the townspeople all mourned for Jesse, but none more than the new Order of the Stone. Axel, Olivia, Lukas, and Petra were no where but the Order's Temple, day after day locking themselves in and never yet leaving. Petra had crafted herself a new sword with the reasoning that she wanted nothing to do with the blade that killed Jesse, and Lukas, he was angrier than anyone had ever seen him. Snapping the wooden blade of a sword because of frustration.

"How could this have happened?" He screamed into the cloudy night sky.

"Lukas?" It was Petra, pale and thin,looking as though she hadn't eaten in days. She waited patiently for a response she knew she wasn't going to get. 

"Look," the warrior sighed, "and least it's not your fault."

A flood of guilt washed over Lukas, what right did he have to complain compared to Petra? She had aimed the sword at Jesse's heart, of course she was blaming herself! Suddenly a spark of anger ignited.

Lukas snarled, "this is all your fault!"

Petra froze, you could see herself trying to keep from crying, turning on her heel the once fierce redhead ran, a tearful mess, from the room. 

"Great!" Lukas sighed, "thanks to myself I have now come off as an unsympathetic jerk!"

"Well that is how you just acted," agreed a negative monotonous voice. Axel.

"Hey bud," Lukas turned around to see the dark haired griefer.

"I'm not your "bud" not after how you just treated Petra." 

"Look I'm sorry I just got fr-"

"Oh, well does sorry bring Jesse back?" 

"No but I-"

"Don't talk to me," with that, Axel also disappeared to the other room.

Lukas couldn't believe it, after everything this would be how the Order disbanded. The strongest in their world becoming weak. After everything, the Portal Hallway, the witherstorm the Command Block- The Command Block! It was capable of altering reality, wasn't it? that ment—

"Lukas?" His thoughts were interrupt by the broken voice of Olivia.


"If you could have one moment to do live again with Jesse, what would you choose?"

Lukas thought for a moment, Olivia never seemed to stop asking questions like that, "I would stay with her in the cave, that night with the witherstorm."

"I would go back to Redstonia, she and I had so much fun away from the witherstorm, did she tell you that she and I helped Ellegard make another  Command Block? Ruben was there too, we got so close," Olivia's tone of voice suddenly darkened, "then the witherstorm came and butted in."

Lukas was already halfway to the gates of town by the time Olivia turned to her head.

He was going to get Jesse back 

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