The Redstone Queen

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If Ellegard had made a command block than she could do it again right? Lukas ran all the way to Redstonia, not even thinking about the minecart tracks in the Nether that would have been much easier to use. It wasn't until he reached the gate that Lukas realized that Ellegard barely new him, how was he supposed to get in now?  

The answer was much closer than he thought, "Lukas?" An oily voice that could only belong to Ivor called out, "what are you doing here?" 

"Looking for Ellegard!" Lukas panted, "I don't really have ti—"

"Well come on! She's in her lab." 

The lab was a large red sandstone dome, built with overly complicated redstone machines that would have fascinated even the Old Builders for years. Inside, looking tiny in comparison to the grandeur of the building, was Ellegard, the Engineering Queen, challenged in skill only by Olivia and (if we're counting other worlds) Harper.  

"Ivor? You're back already?" She called, probably hearing the footsteps echoing against the floor. 

"Yes Ellegard, I have someone hear to talk to you." Ivor replied.

"Tell them to take it up with the new Order of the Stone."

"He's from the new Order of the Stone!"

"Oh," Ellegard finally turned her head, "Blonde guy!"

"It's Lukas!" The blonde snapped, tired of the both of them wasting time.

Ellegard put her hands up in surrender, "sure, so what can a do for ya?"

"I heard you got really close to making a Command Block I was—"

"Whoa! Hold on! Do you really think I would ever try that again? After what happened with the last Command Block that this world saw? Nuh-uh sorry bud but your gonna have to get help somewhere else," after pausing she added, "I'll make you a deal though, I'll lend you a copy of my notes if you promise not to bring that thing anywhere near Redstonia, and destroy it after you use it."

"Deal!" Lukas exclamed with no hesitation.

Ellegard handed him a leather-bound book, neat, blocky hand writing proclaimed in proud gold lettering: 

Experiment  2649 Command Block, dual crafting method

Thanking Ellegard, Lukas rushed out of the lab and into a an obsidian portal, being met with a rush of heat, Lukas pulled the goggles, that normally sat atop his head, over his eyes to keep ash out of them. He sat in the minecart and pulled the leaver that sent him to the old Order of the Stone's temple, there was something he wanted to see.

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