So close to free

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They sat in a small room with quartz walls, Lukas and Petra going over escape plans while Axel and Olivia tried to talk to Jesse, she only answered their questions when the answers were facts. Other than that she sat with her hands in her lap. Just staring. 

"We could run." Petra suggested.

Jesse shook her head, "the hallways echo, if you ran there is a chance you could be heard."

No one could argue with that, if Jesse had said it it was definitely a fact.

Soon the quarter moon came, when it did Jesse came to Hira without a fight, she couldn't feel in her gut how wrong it was like she used to. This time, she was surrounded by floating diamond spheres, and beautiful beacons stretching skyward. Instead of redstone Hira began to chant.

As the sun sets 

For the moon to arise 

It shows a different 

Form of time 

Nothing is where it began 

Wealth is where it soon will land 

Then falls the empire 

And nothingness returns 

One and only one 

Can keep us from the fall

A power hides within 

To make her grow strong

Hira Kept chanting, suddenly Jesse felt an emotion, clear as glass, fear. She felt something inside her grow stronger, suddenly everything stopped. The chanting everything.  

Hira sneered at Jesse, pointing to a dirt block she hissed,"turn it to diamond."

Jesse didn't know how but as soon as she though about turning it to diamond, it did. But Hira wasn't done, she pulled a flower out of her pocket. It turned to dust, floated in the air and landed in a circle around Jesse, she froze, she was under Hira's control now.

It was worse than feeling no emotions, imagine knowing what you're doing is wrong but having no power to fix it. This must have been how PAMA's control felt, Jesse thought to herself feeling a new sympathy Petra and Lukas. 

"You see," Hira whispered in a dead calm voice, "you can turn any block into anything else and that includes command blocks! Soon I will be completely unstoppable. The best of defenses will be unable to stop me. Everyone will cower in fear at my name. I will finally be in control. I can free my brother, he and I will rule!" 

Jesse panicked, at least, she did inside her head. She wasn't going to do what that horrible women wanted. Even if pigs fly.

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