Chapter 4

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Author's POV

The sun had awakened from its rest bringing light to the darkened world. Birds san their song in welcoming to the great warmth it brought while the villagers worked enjoying the freshness around them.

Wondering what our royals are up to? Well let's go take a look, shall we?

*insert page flip*

Maids were rushing all around the kitchen in hopes of making breakfast to the King's taste. Picky boy he was, spoiled since his childhood. So far, it wasn't going as planned. Aura rushed to Rose's room knocking on the door several times but got no answer.

"Strange," she said "She's usually up at this hour."

She entered the room and smiled softly at the sight. Rose was peacefully sleeping with the prince at her side. Not wanting to disturb them, she quietly closed the door and made her way back to the kitchen.

"This may be the start of a beautiful friendship or maybe something more."

When she left, the sound of the closing door had awakened the little princess. She groaned as the sunlight flashed in her eyes.

"Why must you shine directly in my eyes when I wake up?"

Turning herself in the opposite direction, she came face to face with a certain blond prince. She jumped back in surprise. How did she get back? Why Link was here? All these questions flooded her mind. Answers she couldn't find in the storm that was her mind. She didn't know until the memories of what happened prior to today resurfaced.

Tears slowly build up in her eyes. Whimpers became sobs as her sorrow was too big to contain. She cried and cried until a warm pair of arms wrapped around her.

Link's POV

Long had I awakened before Rose. Long had I fallen back asleep gazing at her features.




Something was soaking my hand. I woke up my heart breaking as I witness Rose crying. Without a second thought, I wrapped my arms around the sobbing princess, holding her close to me. Soon enough, her cries silenced.

"Thank you. Thank you for being here, Link," she said falling back asleep.

"You're welcome, Rose."

Zelda's POV

I was walking in the halls when I can upon my twin's room. Taking a peek inside, I saw Link hugging her?!

Why would he do that?

She's probably faking her tears to get attention. I went off to find Mother and Father to tell them what I saw. She's going to pay.

Author's POV

Zelda walked down the halls blinded by anger and jealousy. She quickly found her parents and told them what she'd seen. Furious they went to Rose's room and slammed the door open. Link who was still holding Rose only held her tighter. Why they were here, he had no idea. The king roughly grabbed the princess out of the young boy's arms and left. The queen stayed behind and asked Zelda to show Link around the garden. The young boy followed having no understanding of what just happened. If only he knew that it would take years to see the sweet flower once again; breaking a promise he made so early in its acceptance.

Ignis was now long gone in the forest. He travelled to the darkest depths of the woods and left his daughter under a tree.

"No longer shall you bring shadow to your sister's future." With that, he returned to the castle.

Hours had passed and Rose never awakened. Her body was shivering in the cold, her hand and feets turning blue. It wasn't long until her complexion went ghostly pale.

A figure passed by in the shadows and stopped at the sight of the young maiden. He picked up the freezing girl and brought her to a small shack. On a bed, she was placed and soon the boy noticed her temperature. Among the cold of the woods, a fever had settled. Some towels and cold water he brought to help her situation calm down. He stayed at her side for hours before sleep had consumed him and together they slept the morning away.

Meanwhile at the castle

Two now engaged children were walking around the garden when Queen Luna beckoned them inside. The young prince looked around, hoping the better sister was with her mother, but she was nowhere to be seen. They all went to eat dinner before he knew it, he had to leave. The arrangements had been done. It was his time to be gone.

Link had arrived home and went straight to his room. He couldn't help but think about Rose.

"I couldn't even keep the promise I made. I'm sorry Lily, I have failed you." he thought.

Where had King Ignis taken her? He could only wonder until he would meet her again. If he were to meet her again.

Back to the hidden shack

Rose's POV

Where am I?

I tried opening my eyes but couldn't seem to find the strength.

" ─ose"


" ─ro"

Who is that?

"Wa─ up"

What are they saying?

"Ro─ Wake up"

Wake up? Do I need to wake up?

Suddenly, a rush of adrenaline shot through me at amazing speed. I felt like I was falling. In a jump, I woke up only to feel extremely dizzy. Sweat was rolling down the sides of my faces and my breaths were short pants trying to recover from what I just felt.

"So you're finally awake."

Turning in the direction of the voice I saw . . . Darky?

"What are you doing here," I asked, "And more importantly, what am I doing here?"

He sighed before sitting on a chair beside the bed.

"You don't remember anything do you" he started. Leaning closer to me, he grabbed my chin between his fingers gently tilting my head towards him.

"Maybe I can help you with that darling."

I blushed and looked away. He chuckled and sat on a chair nearby. "I'm just kidding, but seriously I can't really help you because I just found you on the forest floor looking like a corpse."

He snickered at his own words, "This is not a laughing matter you idiot," I said smacking his head.

He held it in pain and kneeled to the ground. He stayed in that position for a while making me worry. "Tenebris, are you okay," I said slowly getting off the bed. I sat down beside him and placed my hand on his. He slightly looked up with a small pout.

"That actually hurt you know."

Such a child.

Giggling, I did something I would never have done before. A small peck I placed on the spot that ached. Surprised by the sudden action he jumped back. "Why'd you do that," he asked his face red enough to make a cherry jealous.

"Whenever I was hurt, aunt Lilium would kiss the top of my head and I don't know how, but I always felt better afterwards." He looked at me with a frown.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but I've known you for the past five years and I haven't once heard you mention your parents. Why is that?"

. . .

To be continued

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