Chapter 27

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Previously on A Rose for the Crown (Tenebris' POV)

"For someone who claims to be the 'Great' wind mage, I don't see what's so great about this rock."

"Tenebris, shut it before he hears you," said Ocean smacking the back on my head.

I smirked, "Oh, don't worry about that. He already heard us. He's been tracking your progress since you got here."

"Stop saying nonsense Tenebris, "replied Link nonchalantly dismissing my last comment.

I sighed and gave up. Getting him to listen to a word I said would be like asking a sitting mule to get up. It doesn't work.

"I would suggest you pay attention to what your little friend is telling you, gentleman. He may be from the dark but his knowledge is far from it."

"Well, you've finally decided to show yourself oh great one."

"Be quiet Number 7, you have no place to speak to me in such a manner."

The name sent an ache through my chest, "That's not my name."

The sickly sweet smile he sent my way made me realize that we were all in trouble.

"Is it not? I'm sure you'll remember your real name after I'm done with you."

And now, let the show commence.

Author's POV

"How did you know he was watching us," asked Link glaring at our lavender onlooker "But more importantly, why was he watching us?"

Tenebris shrugged and stepped away from the group, "Why don't you ask the man himself."

"Well since you so politely asked, I will tell you," he said conjuring  a chair to sit on "I'm keeping an eye on you for entertainment purposes and because dear Rose asked me to."

Upon hearing this, none of Link's traits reacted to the old man, as they opted to remain silent; silently taking in his words. Link looked towards Tenebris to see his usual lack of emotion adoring his features, "Did you know this?"

"The time I left for a day he kindly visited me. That's when he told me of her wishes, so yes, I did indeed know of this."

"Not only that but it seemed she was afraid you would end up killing each other. She knows of the bad blood between our little hero and his dark side."

Tenebris scoffed, "Just because I don't like him doesn't mean there's bad blood. I do admit I came close to ripping his head off a couple of times but as you can see, I didn't."

"And why would that be Tenebris? You had no trouble doing that in the past. Why stop yourself now?" asked Link.

"I'd rather not share that reason. It's quite personal. Now can we get back to the matter at hand? I believe we have a certain Mage to kill?" he responded.

The attention was once again on the purple shaded man. He smiled and motioned them to follow him through what seemed to be a portal. Foolishly enough they did. He then proceeded his course of action, by showing them two doors.

"One of these gateways will help you, whilst the other will destroy you. But be careful, you can only open one door," he said walking down the hall "When you've chosen your prize, you'll know where to find me."

The boys stood silently pondering on which door to pick.

"Link? Is that you?"

"Zelda, it couldn't be," he said walking towards to right door. Without a moment's hesitation, he threw it open revealing the Queen tied and blindfolded to a chair. He hurried to free her and quickly scooped her up in his arms.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? If he did I swear I'll─"


"Why? Why did you have to open my door? Why did you have to rush in!?" she screamed whilst a sea of tears shed from her eyes. She ran to the other door, trying to force it open.

"Rose, please tell me you're okay! Please, I'm begging you," her sorrow too great she slid to her knees. In her time of loneliness in the castle, she acknowledged her wrongs of the past. Her remorse was great and now she only had one wish; To be reunited with her sister once again.

Tenebris sunk his hands in the ground. His shadows flowed under to door making no sound. His eyes were frozen, littered with fear. He was taken by tremors at the sight his shadows relayed, "No, it can't be. He wouldn't. . ."

"What's going on, Tenebris?" asked Ocean clear with worry.

"If we don't finish this fight fast, we may lose her for good this time."

He rushed to the end of the hall not a moment later. Ocean and Flame followed in pursuit a few moments later, leaving Link with the Queen. He held her hand as they ran down the long hall, passing through yet another portal on the way. They eventually met up with their group who stood a mere couple standing lengths away from Vaati.

He stood proudly before them, in full armour ready to blow them away.

"I never thought you would be so bold as to pursue the maiden Zelda until you stood before me. Eh? What's that? that blade you have. . . I had a feeling you had it with you, the accursed Four Sword. So it is the power of that blade that has brought you this far. . ." he chuckled and stepped forward "Did you think a dull and rusty blade such could defeat me again? You know not your own folly! Watch as the hunted becomes the hunter!"

The ground shook in response to his glory, "Prepare to meet the full might of Vaati the Wind Mage!"

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