Chapter 10

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Author's POV

The sun was long gone, but the flame of joy was still burning passionately in their hearts. The feast had started and everyone ate to their heart's content. Laughter was among them as a small flame of love grew between them.

Musicians picked up their instruments and played a jolly tune. The villagers danced around in a circle with their beloved princess in the centre. As they twirled and jumped, Link only admired the lovely girl spinning in the centre. He couldn't take his eyes off her as she gracefully danced in the circle of joy. He looked around and noticed Tenebris had left. Gathering his courage, he made his way between the crowd and pulled the beauty towards him.


"May I have this dance princess?"

"Link, I can't, you must understand," she told him "You must distance yourself from me."

"Please Rose, I know I shouldn't ask, but please just let me hold you again, at least one last time," he replied, whispering his words towards the end.

Rose looked down feeling sad, guilty.

"Fine, I'll give you this last dance Link."

"Thank you, princess."

And with that, they danced in the heat of the night.

As they both danced with the stars, the music toned down, slipping into a calm serenade. Link's hands slid around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck and together they danced under the moonlight.

Sound blurred out as they both faded away from reality.

Rose's POV

For some reason, my chest warmed when he brought me closer to him. The music was fading away in the background as I got lost in the cerulean sea of his eyes. Everything just felt right.

Link's POV

I couldn't believe it. She was in my arms once again, but for how long? How I wish this moment could last forever.


I focused immediately at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, Rose?"

She looked down her cheek slightly pink.

"I was wondering, why you chose me over my sister," she asked stuttering "I don't understand, she is a lot prettier than I."

"Rose, beauty is only skin deep. Besides, your beauty is far greater than hers. Your shining blue eyes, your fair skin your rosy lips. You have no idea of the beauty you possess," I told her gazing into her eyes.

She blushed a faint pink quickly looking away. I couldn't help but chuckle at the amount of cuteness she displayed. She's beautiful, just like a goddess come to earth.


When I turned everything had ceased. The music was no more and everyone had gone dead silent.

How odd

"Link what are you doing?"

Oh no

The one person who I hoped would not appear was here. The world really is going against me.

I had to let go of Rose, much to my dismay. I wanted to hold her longer.

Rose had her eyes fixed on the ground, hand slightly shaking not moving an inch. I was so focused that I hadn't noticed Zelda latching onto me.

"Link what were you doing with her? In fact, what are you all doing here?"

Everyone froze, mouths were sewn shut. One wrong word and it would be the end of this celebration. A moment later, Rose stepped forward, "I'm sorry your highness, the villagers had prepared a banquet in honour of my return. As for Link, I had asked him to dance. Being the gentleman he is, he didn't refuse. I must ask you to pardon my foolish request."

I was beyond shocked. I couldn't believe that she had taken the blame for what I asked.

"For being foolish you were indeed. Now Orchid why wasn't I invited to this celebration?"

We all turned to the called women only to see her pale. She looked really nervous, but this is Zelda we're talking about who wouldn't be?

"I uh, well,"

"Well speak up!"

She flinched unable to utter a word.

"Your majesty, please the reason for your absence was not theirs. I did not want to bother her majesty, therefore, I did not call upon your presence. Forgive my lack of consideration."

"Rose, you didn't ha─"

"It's alright Orchid. Once again, your majesty, I apologize for all of us."

Zelda seemed to have calmed down to a certain extent. She harshly moved me away from Rose's side cuddling on my arm. Oh, good grief.

"Now I would ask you to finish your celebration. Think of it as a punishment for not inviting me" she said dragging me back to the castle with her. I couldn't but look behind and see sadness among the villagers.

Could I do something about it?


Should I do something about it?

Definitely not. Zelda still looked slightly ticked off.

I looked back only to see the lingering sadness in their eyes. I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry, Rose

Author's POV

When the couple was out of sight, complaints could be heard.

"Why do we have to stop?"

"There's no reason to."

"The Queen has yet to mature into a lady"

"What are you talking about she's spoiled."

Murmurs and whispers, shouts of frustration, all leading to somewhat destruction. The party had stopped and the people were angry. The queen was now gone and a rose was slowly wilting. Little did the lady know, the delicate bud would bloom more beautiful than ever before.

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