Chapter 6

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past the playful eyes
      i see you not knowing what to do

(Y/n)s POV

I walked dowm the hall to a small door on the end of the hallway.

I knocked on the door and a faint 'come in' was heard. I opened the door and saw Minghao sitting in a chair.

"Heyyyyy Minghao!" i said cheerfully. he jumped and turned around to look at me and smiled "what an entrance!" They both laughed and (y/n) sat down.

"So where should we start..."

Time skip bc I'm lazy

After we finished we decided to go out to eat. "Are you sure we shouldn't ask the others if they wanna come?" Minghao shyly asked. I rolled my eyes and said

" yes,Because I've never had time to spend with you ALONE and I wanna get to know you without anyone else."i smiled at him and kept on walking.

Minghao satyed back a second and then came up to me

After lunch i got a call from my manager and we had to go back.

Minghaos POV

I got back to our dorm and saw Jun sitting on the couch. "Heyy minghao! Where were you? And why is your face so red?" I smiled and said "with (y/n)." Juns eyes lit up and he said "y'know she is preety cute.... Joshua said a lot of guys liked her whenever they lived in America... sooo do you like her??!!"

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "Uhhhhhh.." Jun smiled and said " YOU LKE HER DONT Y-" I rna over to him and put my hand over his mouth and said "ok yes fine I like her but whatever..."

Jun pushed his hand away and said "I'm telling Joshua."

Ok so this is literally nothing but I'm probs gonna die so yeah.... I will work on the next chap.


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