CHAPTER 16(+special announcement)

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    you've never had this deep of a dream before

(Y/N)s POV
I heard talking at the door, and since everyone else was sleeping, I had to get up and open the door.

When I opened the door I saw Yoongi. "Oh hey!!" I said bowing to him, "Everyone is sleeping so-" I saw someone walking away in the corner of my eye (my i lmao) "who was that?" I asked tilting my head.

"Oh it was someone from the room over there." He said pointing to seventeens dorm. "Oh. Well, where is the others?" I asked. "They're all in the car. Jin said I had to come get you because jungkook 'hurt his leg' so he 'shouldn't be moving it'. And taehyung and jimin are 'taking care of him' in these 'hard times' while jhope and rapmon  are choosing the songs so for some reason they don't have to go." Yoongi said as he started walking. I closed the door and started walking next to him.
"Wow, why didn't Jin come get me instead?" I asked. Yoongi scoffed and tryed imitating Jin's voice and said "'because I have to drive and all your doing is sleeping.'" He switched back to his normal voice as we got to the stairs and said "I mean can you believe it!"

"Oh my I'm so sorry." I said sarcastically. He playfully punched me in the arm and said "shut up loser." We both laughed.

When I walked outside it was raining, and I heard a little sigh come from yoongi. "I'll call Jin to come get us because I'm not about to walk In the rain." Yoongi said taking out his phone.

"Good." I said.
"I swear-"
"Ok I'm sorr-"
"Just come pick us up oh my god!" Yoongi yelled in his phone and hung up.
I stared laughing. He glared at me and said "I should've let you call him, he would've actually let you talk."
I shrugged and flipped my hair(if you don't have long hair just sassily fake flip it lmao)

A couple seconds later a car pulled up and I saw Jin  when the window rolled down. "Get in, get in!" Jin said smiling.

I got in and ended up sitting next to jimin and jungkook. "Ohohoho have you seen our new mv?" Jimin said. "Yeah they were great!"


"Sooooo. (Y/n) how did you and yoongi meet again?" Jin said "oh my god Jin I told you before we came. And like 4 years ago when I introduced her to you guys. And 1000 times after that." Yoongi said, his mouth full of noodles. "I'm sorry I forget." Jin said.

"It's ok I'll tell you." Said putting down my fork. "Here we go again." Rap mon said in English. "Hey I can understand you remember that! English is my native tongue." Rap mon smiled.

"Ok so basically when I wa son America my friend, Joshua or jisoo, who is a trainee at pledis with me, were searching up random names on Instagram and we accidentally searched up yoongis name. Joshua accidentally followed him on my account. A few days later I got a message from him asking who I was and stuff and I apologized and said it was an accident-" I was cut off bye taehyung hitting the table "you knew Korean?" He asked "yes, ok anyway, we kind of just talked and stuff and became friends and I visited Korea and we met and stuff and yeah. That's all really,"

Jin ended up talking all the sleepy boys to their dorm and then dropping me off at mine. "Byeeeeee." He said waving. I waved back and walked in. The lights were off in the main office. 'That's strange.' I thought. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I looked up and saw a man right there. I went to scream but he covered my mouth. His hands were pale and sticky.

I closed my eyes and then I felt his breathing close to my ears "there all listening for you. Their watching you. And soon they will have you." I opened my eyes and saw all of my friends that I ever made standing in line. I shined my light on them and tears started to form in my eyes when they started screaming one by one.

"STOP" I yelled back. I dropped my phone and covered my ears. I heard the whispers again and then someone said, so quickly and quietly that I almost didn't hear it, "your battle scars will be your trophies. And you tears with be your memories. Then you find how you battle should be fought." Then it stopped. I heard talking and shouting "call someone" "give her space you guys!"  "What is wrong with her!" "MOVE I KNOW WHAT TO Do!" It all sounded so distant. Soon the room got lighter and someone's hands were on my  arms shaking me and saying my name quietly. I opened my eyes and saw Joshua with tears in his eyes. When his eyes met mine he pulled me in and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back "they almost got to me" I said starting to sadly laugh. "I told you what to do when that happened."

I looked at him and suddenly my arms started to sting. I looked down and they looked normal. "Can we go up stairs?" I asked. "Will you tell me what happened in this one?" I nodded. "Lets go." As we walked I saw everyone staring at me. And then I saw him. He had the most confused and scared look on his face. "I didn't want him to see me like this." I told Joshua as we got away from the crowd. "Who?"he asked. "Minghao."
Woooooah  this one was 965 wordssss!!! I got a littler carried away and wanted to make it to at least 1000 but I couldn't think of anything but little annoying fillers to make it so I gave up. Sorry If this story is moving to fast or I'm not giving enough description. I'm gonna try to do that in the next chapter. Thank you for the nice comments (even tho it's only a small amount of comments they still make me realllllllly happy 😊😊)they really want to make me write this more and more. Also, this book is getting so many reads~ thank youuuuuuu❤️ and just one more thing before go,
I'm almost at 100 followers!!!!! When I reach 100 followers I might do a little chapter that has facts about me. Comment any ideas for things I could do and I'll look at them and decide! (If I don't get any comments on what I should do I'll just do like 25 facts about me lmao)
Ok hope you enjoyed byeeeee!

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