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im your sweet russian roulette

"Guysssss come on we have to perform in like 1 second!" (Y/n) shouted to their group. "Come onnn we have like 30 more minutes shut up!" Said Haneul laughing. (Y/n) rolled her eyes him and shouted for Areum. "Whattttt?" Areum said back. "Have you seen Seventeen? Hoshi said he wanted to talk to me." Areum nodded and pointed at Oh My Girl "behind them." She said. (Y/n) nodded and bowed "Thank you!".

She walked over to Oh my girl about to pass them when one of the members stopped her. "Hey seunghee!" (Y/n) said. "Ahh hi! We're asking some people question and stuff," she said motioning for binnie to come and say hi, "and Oh My Girl personally thought that Mixed Numbers Debut was very energetic and fun, and so we wanted to know, what was your favorite part of debuting?"

(Y/n) looked at the camera and smiled saying "I really liked working with the other trainees and idols under pledis, along with the staff. Everyone there is so nice!" You said. "Ahh, that's good that's good," binnie started "well we will leave you to whatever you were doing!" She said waving and bowing. When she got off camera she ran into mimi and said "I hope JinE gets better soon." Mimi nodded and said "She's at her parents right now recovering, so hopefully she will be able to participate in our next comebacks." (Y/n) nodded and walked away.

'What was i...'  "(Y/N)! " (y/n) turned her head and saw Hoshi waving. She smiled and made he way past bangtan trying not to start a conversation. "What's up?" (Y/n) said. Hoshi looked left and right making sure no one was listening. He then came close to (y/n)s ear and whispered "I know you and minghao have been together for awhile now but, lately he's been acting strange," he took his hand away from her ear and looked at (y/n). She stared at him expectantly. He continued "Not like personality wise, but his voice and just weird littile things he does." She started giggling "he's a growing man Hosh, what do you expect?"

In reality, (y/n) had been growing suspicious of him too. He hasn't been himself lately. He was always saying weird creepy stuff in his sleep and he would just stare at her, as if he had felt guilty; as if he had done something wrong.

"Look, I know you see it too. Don't deny it." She looked down. "I know."
TIME SKIP (time slip by RV)
"Oh my god that was probably one of our most energetic dances ever what the heck." Areum said breathing heavily.

You laughed at her and walked to find minghao and hug him before he went on stage. You ran into a few groups while going to him like Astro, Twice, Snuper, Romeo, Red velvet, exo, AOA, and monsta x.

"Hayyyy minghao!!!!" You said coming up behind him. He turned around and you saw that his eyes were a dark green. "Woah your eyes are cool!" You said looking at him he smiled and said "There contacts." You made a duh face and said "Of course they are."he laughed nervously and said "Hah yeah..."

"Minghao come on! We're about to perform! Oh hey (y/n)!" You hugged and kissed minghao and said "hey boo."
He waved and walked away motioning for minghao to go with him. Minghao did a heart and blew you a kiss (which you flicked away).

After the show you and minghao decided that you too needed some time alone, so you both got all fancy and went to dinner.

"Hey minghao?" You said holding your ice cream cone in one hand and his hand in the other. "Yes dear?" He responded looking up. "I was just wondering something. Lately you have been acting a little.... strange ya know? Not in a bad way (I mean kinda you can sometimes be scary) but you've just been acting...different."

"... but you've just been acting...different."

Ahahahshdbd it's almost over!!!! One more chapter!!!! How long should I make you guys wait for it lol?? This was like my 2nd ff and I'm so happy you guys liked it hehehe. I will also be publishing my 2nd chapter to "Meeting You Again"(my Joshua ff) soon so look out for that!! Shout out to the people who actually read these lmao 😂

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